Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. FRED lllll
      FRED lllll
      I wanna know if the color shield rotation offsets bug is known or not in forge.
      Basically, when using the color shield objects, the can be placed perfectly in forge and when they go into customs they can rotate randomly between 1/2 to 15 degrees in any direction.
    2. NOKYARD
      Decals had similar issues when they first launched but were fixed a long time ago.

      Common term is 'earthquake glitch'.
      FRED lllll likes this.
    3. Xandrith
    4. Keven0045
      This new Overtime update made so my maps got frame drops. Aquarium is one of them, there are some spots that have frame drops and some other that dosen't make any sense, because there isn't many objects and polygon in the view.

      I personally think it could be something to do with the 4k. It could be that the textures on the objects could be in 4k but the game it self is running in 1080p or lower.
      FRED lllll likes this.
    5. Keven0045
      And Aquarium didin't had any frame drops before the update.
    6. Agent Zero85
      Agent Zero85
      The likely culprit is that to make compatibility with the X doable, they made both versions of the game identical, but dynamic in the way textures down sample based on the version you are running (X or S/One. That extra time it takes to downsample is enough of a difference for maps that were on the edge for frame rate issues to start having them more often.
      Keven0045 likes this.
    7. ExTerrestr1al
      do we know for a fact that texture res was increased for H5 on the X? Or, is it possible it was merely rendering resolution?

      • PC Forge did not get a new level of texture res, so I assume they did not do this
      • The download itself was around 500+MB, and so it is also unlikely that new textures beyond those new skins are included in the download. How big was it for XB?

      My theory is that they did the 720p lock just for performance reasons that were already there. The PC version is not locked to 720p, but is also running smoother than prior to the update, so the 720 is not the only improvement they did. I believe they found other efficiencies in the game's code...
      FRED lllll likes this.
    8. Agent Zero85
      Agent Zero85
      The game was running sub 1080 known commonly as 900p.
      The update was 14gb on the Xbox One btw. lol.
      Ill try to source where they talked about the specific enhancements, and confirm if they said anything about textures.
      ExTerrestr1al likes this.
    9. ExTerrestr1al
      Okay, 14gb may very well have been enough to do the higher res textures!

      Perhaps we already have those textures on PC then? I wonder... I have always had that maxed, and usually run with 1080p for res, but it also runs pretty good for me at 1440p. I sometimes take pics with full 4k res... (but then downscale to 1080 for web. Gives very crips lines!)
    10. Lazy Animator
      Lazy Animator
      Just watched your videos there, ouch man. I've seen the duplication glitch creeping back in since the overtime update but this is just weird. And it looks like the invisible ones won't let you keep them selected in order to delete them. If you can't spawn one of the same as the invisible and say select all then what is the solution?! Try loading in customs and see if they still have collision, go back into forge and save a new copy. Exit out and load back in maybe. Forge has to realize it's got invisible objects in there and correct the mistake. As for not being able to spawn stuff I have no idea, maybe corrupt file, prefab chunks of the map and import it into new clean canvas might be your only option.
    11. ExTerrestr1al
      I occasionally have "corrupt" pieces after placing them on new maps. You can delete that item and replace it with the same item and it will take scripts and behave fine. I have no idea why it happens, but it is only items that you desire to despawn and spawn using scripts.

      If something does not appear initially, you can disable all scripts on the map, save, load it up, and it will ALWAYS be there. I have never had anything permanently disappear. I don't know if that helps anyone troubleshoot or find workarounds.

      EDIT: I also meant to add that sometimes a piece can suddenly change its coordinates while you are attempting to move it only slightly. it goes into the four or five digits of coordinates and if you still have it selected, you can move it back, but on PC it is much easier, as you can simply type in the new coordinates. The movement with the normal UI gets all screwy occasionally.

      Also, if you happen to move a piece below the floor of the canvas by more than a few units (by the above glitch or accidentally) you will find that it actually gets deleted by the game engine. It is NOT counted as a "fantom" piece as far as I have seen. I would not worry that a phantom piece is out there unless you see symptoms of something that would indicate it still exists...
    12. ExTerrestr1al
      Not sure if this is a forge bug or what, but that bug where in customs, the first thing you try to pick up, won't pick up for a few attempts, is back with this hotfix. It was fixed in the previuos patch, which was very nice.

      We are also seeing matches revert the "Open to All players" to "Friends & Spartan team" even afte rchanging it manually.

      Lastly, and probably most importantly, the game is not allowing people to join lobbies all the time (ON PC)...

      You can fill up a room with a new amazing map, and then no one will join. you know it's a popular map and people on on and playing, but they eithe rcan't see your lobby in the list (even if set to open) or they are trying to join, but can't.

      I will often sit and only 1 person joins (mind you, I know when I am not wanted, and this is not that case), and then when you back out to the lobby screen, there is already at least one person, if not a FULL lobby waiting for your next match!! That should not be happening. They should be allowed to join the match in progress. It is open, otherwise they wouldn't even be able to get into the lobby itself.

    13. Blaze
      Necro bump hoping that someone could help me with something.

      I've been looking for a piece for awhile now and cannot seem to find it. There is a block (or other piece) that has an incorrect collision model where one side of it allows your player to seemingly sink into it to about your knee.

      I'm looking for this piece so that I can use it to convey a specific visual effect that otherwise would not be possible. I have come across it a hand full of times that I did not need it but have not seen it at all since I've been looking for it. -_- If anyone know what piece this is, please DM me. :)
    14. purely fat
      purely fat
      I think it is one of the triangles or trapezoids. I remember seeing it on xandrith's US map
      Zombievillan likes this.
    15. Box Knows
      Box Knows
      It’s like a 16 by 72 cylinder I think
    16. Blaze
      Triangle 16x4 has misplaced bullet collision but that's the only one I know for tringles. I have not looked through the trapezoids but I will spawn every single one and walk on each side, if @Xandrith doesn't know which one. XD

      I'll look through those sizes. I know early on in forge that these had a ton of issues but these got fix.

      Thank you both.
    17. purely fat
      purely fat
      Isn't that
      I think what you said is actually what it is.
    18. Xandrith
      Multi found that on accident on US a couple weeks ago, so you'll actually see a projectile blocker on one of them if you load it in forge
    19. Blaze
      Can you call what piece it was? Or are you talking about the triangle 16x4 piece?

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