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Mar 22, 2021 at 5:37 PM
Jan 30, 2008
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Dec 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
Staten Island,NYC

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Ancient, from Staten Island,NYC

Senior Member
xSharpshooter94 was last seen:
Mar 22, 2021
    1. EGP
    2. FrankFries
      you do lot`s of posts....
    3. EGP
      1%left of download and i m getting off.nvm its done dl
    4. EGP
      i was going to ask you the same thing whats your number hurry this computer keeps freezing
    5. EGP
      it worked
    6. EGP
      yes one of them is wrong email it too me hurry i am runing out of time
    7. EGP
      send me email of it to eguitarplaya33@hotmail.com
    8. EGP
      its wrong, thank god your on
    9. EGP
      omg help!
    10. ScarFac3d
      Uploading takes for ****ING EVER. Like OVER 9000 minutes.
    11. ScarFac3d
      Lolfag. What is a really good one? Sony Vegas Pro? But anyways, I am uploading a video at the moment to test quality.
    12. ScarFac3d
      Hey, what video editing program do you use? I just got my cap card and was going to torrent one =)
    13. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      I just ordered Halo Wars LCE! Yay for Mythic Tuesday! (That should be a new holiday.) Oh yeah, one question. What is the Hornet like on Sandbox? Does it suck as much as the Avalanche version? Or did they give it it's rockets back?
    14. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Alright, I'll get started
    15. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      EEEEEEh, I'm too busy to even commit whole-heartedly to one. It's all up to you, since you initiated the whole deal. I'm up for either, but only one for the time being.
    16. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Oh man, Halo Wars has come out already? Damn, my schoolwork is keeping me out of touch with video games. It's too bad I couldn't do it before Sandbox's release. We'll just have to show people that Foundry hasn't been made inferior.

      Have fun though =]
      I've got to wait until the marketplace release.

      ......................................... unless.............
      Since Sandbox is out now, would you be willing to wait until I can get ahold of it to do our collab? I can garuntee the aesthetic piece would be much much better.

      I'm up for either. If you've got any time limit on this project we can start sooner with Foundry (or if you already have the whole thing planned out for Foundry), but if we wait just a few weeks it will be much higher quality.
    17. Linubidix
    18. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Wow, I've just got to keep coming to you with delays, and I'm sorry about that. This is the busiest time of the year for me. I've got swimming and theater practices all in one day.

      Since there's no school tomorrow though I can forge until the cows come home after my practice. That's what I intended to do last weekend, but my 360's disk drive flipped out.

      Again, I'm really sorry about these constant delays, and I shouldn't have made a promise that I couldn't keep. I suppose all I can really promise is that it will get done, and the only time frame I can put on that is as soon as possible. (though I aim for before Sunday)
    19. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      Your profile page has 4,999 visits! Refreshing the page now....
      Edit: 5,000!
    20. Agamer
      Hey I heard you got Mythic.

      Click here for luls-Read the maps
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  • About

    Dec 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Staten Island,NYC
    Hey guys. I love to play video games. I play mostly FPS shooters such as Halo and Call of Duty, however I am a lover of all games. If you wanna play first check out my youtube channel at MrSHARPandFRIENDS, and then join one of my TGIF's!


