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Nov 17, 2012 at 12:03 AM
Oct 31, 2008
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Sep 24, 1993 (Age: 31)
Pittsford, NY

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Ancient, from Pittsford, NY

Senior Member
whiizzle was last seen:
Nov 17, 2012
    1. Seaboro Kibbles
    2. whiizzle
      ha yeah that sucks, did you purposely do that?(sentece)
    3. whiizzle
      right next to my desert eagle...
    4. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      Oh no, that means the grammer gods.. Oh, ****! My house is collapsing!! OMG it's a warmhole!! WHERES MY KATANA!!!!
    5. whiizzle
      you spelled sentence wrong!
    6. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      Theres a little spell check thing on my browser, it helps alot. It takes me like, a second or two to make a proper sentece, so i might as well.
    7. whiizzle
      u are really good with grammar and crap
    8. whiizzle
      omnghh sorry...
    9. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      The huge hurricane idea will rely entirely on how many cannons there are, I'm really eager to experience sandbox, i think it will open a lot of doors. I'm expecting huge racetracks, great vehicular madness, but this is all unsure because of bungies douchebaggery. We'll have to see. (btw, you're last post on smear the pinkie was unnecessary)
    10. whiizzle
      oh and about the huricane thing u should see if there will be more than 8 mancannons on sand box and put em going the same direction but angled to resemble the chaotic hurricane.....and add a filter or see if they have like a sandstorm effect...and if it is too big, u can always make the shields weaker so that u get killed by other objects, and not having to wait like 2 minutes before you get another kill.
    11. whiizzle
      ya, i guess ur right, but without side walls. when i saw the first picture on bungie, it looked like another sandtrap but flatter... but now since the second pic on the weekly update i didnt see other objects...KILLBALLS...
    12. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      No, from what I understand, sandbox is similar to foundry in that all structures exept for sand and the floor are objects. And it has been said by bungie that the outside scenery is not changable.

      Thanks for the feature nomination on smear the quear by the way.
    13. whiizzle
      isnt sandbox, like not too flat tho, like it already has some structures on it...at least thats what i thought when i saw it... i wish they made like a huge foundary, where you could change the outside scenery. that would be fun....
    14. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      You like hurricane brawl?! i'm pretty much sick of it. For its time is was pretty cool i guess. It was my first map and i've come a long way since. It's kinda cool loading the arena up with fusion coils'n stuff, than setting yourself invincible. I was thinking with the new sandbox i might make hurricane brawl really tall and than it would really resemble a hurricane.
    15. whiizzle
      ok thanks, ive been a bit busy with homework and recieving 2 infractions for a double post and spam in this one map that i posted on like a month ago, wow forgehub good, quick work..really speedy....but ok i will *-* '-' +-+ ^-^
      Im leting know everyone in our group too be a little active by looking at our page for updates and planing. help spreed the word would be nice :)
    17. whiizzle
      oh thats the city...cuz i live in the county of monroe,,,western ny
    18. Nick Novikov
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    Sep 24, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Pittsford, NY

    Tennis, Basketball, xbox 360