Toxic Spade
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Nov 1, 2010 at 9:56 PM
Aug 21, 2008
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Yelling at little kids on xbox live.

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Toxic Spade

Ancient, from Here

Senior Member
Toxic Spade was last seen:
Nov 1, 2010
    1. Pegasi
      I know what you mean, but often the opposite is true, you need to tempt people in that little bit more with non foundry, it's a sad state of affairs in some ways, but I can see where it comes from. It looks like the map is very solidly forged on the aesthetic scale at the very least, so I think it should bear up well and still tempt people in.
    2. Pegasi
      Lol dude, you have a keen eye. I haven't got on to teh Xbox yet, but the post looks very promising. I like Avalanche maps a lot when done right, and assym is a solid choice. I'll let you know my thoughts when I've had a poke around in forge and got some games, but could I suggest that you add a couple more pictures of the long distance viewpoints from player level? Like, looking across the map so that you can see a good deal of the geometry and how it is placed in relation to each other, plus getting a more overall view of bits like the castle as you'll see them when playing, not necessarily taken from an actual player's perspective, but just about that height. I think it would help a lot.

      But yeah, looks promising indeed, I'm looking forward to trying it out.
    3. Myztic
      It went pretty good, that's alright that you couldn't show up..I guess that's my fault lol. I am working on a v2, so when I need that tested I will be sure to inv you! Thanks!
    4. Psycho
      I think it went very smoothly. I loved how fair the teams were with Orangeremi on the other team. He's a great sniper and didn't allow me to stand on top of the sniper towers for too long. The weapon layout is much more balanced this time and I think it's almost ready for release/...feature. :D Looking great.
    5. thesilencebroken
      its coming along quite nicely. its going to be a map that requires people to really play it before passing judgement, if you know what i mean.
    6. Linubidix
      Yes. Yes I did.
    7. thesilencebroken
      haha, well, i wont totally be crushed if it doesnt make it in. im just trying for fun.
    8. Linubidix
      I was planning to try and make it under budget and submit it.
    9. thesilencebroken
      the movie is called "the redeemer", which isnt quite the same... so im just gonna try my luck. worst case scenario? he rejects it and we have to rethink the name.
    10. thesilencebroken
      thanks, although its damn near impossible to come up a cool name that has never been a movie.
    11. evan12075
      lol, sorry i never showed up. I was actually doing a little test session with buddha for the new Distortion at the time.
    12. evan12075
      hows the map coming along dude?
    13. headlessbarbie
      Dude, castalanche in your sig looks really nice! seriously! It's like a mass of bridges all morphed together! And is that a hornet? being blown up with a rocket? nice interlocking/merging too. Can't wait to DL it. Make sure to put the finishing touches on it! good luck,

    14. Draw the Line
    15. Dr. Chombie
      Dr. Chombie
      you changed your name? what's next, your gamertag.... oh wait, you did change it. lolololololol jk your name is cool.
    16. thesilencebroken
      i meant "okay."
    17. thesilencebroken
    18. thesilencebroken
      warn/infract in the maps section.
      i know the map is ridiculous, but im not sure it breaks any rules, ill have to check with an actual mod.
    19. thesilencebroken
      i cant lock either i dont believe :/
    20. thesilencebroken
      did you change your name?

      and i cannot ban people. im a mini mod.
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  • About

    Yelling at little kids on xbox live.
    Toxic Spade
    I've made a ton of maps on Halo 3. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it come to forging so I take forever to forge. I absolutely HATE map variants that are made on foundry, mainly because it's over used. If you need help with forging just send me a message! My GT is the same as my username!



    | Castlanche - [​IMG] - Bungie Favs - Best Non Foundry (Winter 08) |