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Jan 31, 2023 at 10:41 AM
Dec 6, 2007
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Le Mar du Teet

Senior Member
Titmar was last seen:
Jan 31, 2023
    1. RightSideTheory
      Hey brahhhh,

      You make maps in UDK for fun right?
    2. Titmar
    3. Pegasi
      Yeah, when people start talking about basically wanting sketchup or even maya for Forge then I tend to stop listening, particularly because the vast majority of people who think they want that don't actually realise that it would result in 100 times more work for them as well as the developer.

      It'd all be well and good in a world where budgets and manpower were infinite, but that's not the case for any game, let alone a title like Halo. I remember desperately trying to explain this principle to people who wanted every possible weapon and more chucked in to Halo 4 "just in case." As if modelling, coding and balancing those weapons was something that one guy could do on the side whilst the rest of the game development progressed at normal speed.
    4. Pegasi
      Yup, me too.
    5. Pegasi
      My point wasn't that you're rude, you won't catch me complaining about that lol. It was just the idea that A) it wasn't really complaining, as that implies entitlement rather than desire, and B) rude to who? 343? They don't give a **** if we complain.

      But yeah, I think your personal preference point is basically the bottom line, so fair play there.
    6. Matty
      i think maya just exploded. Crashed PC and now all the surfaces i create i can't see, at all. But they are there in the channel box.
    7. Matty
      wanna dj again?
    8. Matty
      "This is just to clarify few points on your assignment.

      In terms of delivery for next week, please try to have some simple geometry created in Maya. We will look into exporting this into CE3 again, just as we did during first session. However this time it should be something more interesting than a cube.
      If you can check a slide 6 in Power-point presentation I sent you on the day, there is this slide which shows how simple 3D geometry can be. If you can produce something similar like on the picture, then it will be fine for now as a test. I attached image to this email too for your reference.

      Yes you are allowed to reference 2 different games, or even 1 game and 1 film or 2 films if you like. As long as you have enough reference to produce both of the environments everything is fine. They do not need to be one and the same location."
    9. PandaMan
      No I am not of confuzation. You are kebab bear.
    10. PandaMan
      But.... You are bear
    11. PandaMan
      You. I like you.
    12. PandaMan
      So are you like always on the hub mr. kebab bear?
    13. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      That's now what I imagine you to look like.
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      9:03 pm Titmar: coming up with a complicated world saving plan, but never actually executing it
      9:05 pm Titmar: world saving plan based on complex infection map that cannot be built in H3 due to limitations of forge
      9:10 pm Titmar: damn he left. trollololol failolol.

      hahahaha you ****er, penalizing me for creative thought.
    15. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      I talked to joeski about getting an update into MM. He's gonna talk to them and see if it's possible
    16. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      lol did you know about this: Halo: Reach Hiding Tactics 2 For 1 on :: Renova & Chateau :: Hiders R Us - YouTube
    17. PacMonster1
      Let's start working the word poop into the conversation, but subtly so it flows naturally into poop.
    18. thesilencebroken
      I've been hard at work. haha
    19. FrozenGoathead
      YOU WANNA 1v1 ME? - YouTube
    20. Xun
      Yeh I figured as much. Seeming as I couldn't find anything about it I'd wager there's no difference. Thanks for the input. :)
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    view all my maps in my map portfolio.