That Scorch Guy
Last Activity:
Mar 21, 2013 at 9:54 PM
Feb 20, 2011
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January 9
Um...I think it has an 'N'...

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That Scorch Guy

Forerunner, from Um...I think it has an 'N'...

That Scorch Guy was last seen:
Mar 21, 2013
    1. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      I'm in Vegas 'till Tuesday :/ Unless it can wait 'till then, we'll probably have to leave it up to a coin toss or something..
    2. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      That sounds about right to me. If for any reason I can't make it by eight, I'll let ya' know.
    3. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      It's kay. You're a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything.
    4. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      I suppose my proofing it beforehand helps a wee bit :P Well hey, less work for you.
    5. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      Yeah, tomorrow should be fine. Any preferred time?

      v(Bad attempt at downward arrow) I almost accidentally did that in an attempt to respond to you.. I presume that's what you did?
    6. That Scorch Guy
      That Scorch Guy
      I can post on my own wall! Cool!
    7. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      I'd love to, but I'm pretty busy tonight.. College shtuff. I'll try to get on, but I definitely can't make any promises.
    8. alreadyRogue
      You should definitely change your name to
      "That Zcorch Guy"
    9. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      Well I'm on right now if you wanna' do some doubles :P
    10. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      I thought that this might appeal to you.
    11. alreadyRogue
      i like your custom title :)
    12. Audienceofone
      Thought you might like to know you are in my post of Union! Just a picture of you and Duck shooting some people, but I know some people like it when they see they are included in the images and video (if one is provided... Union doesnt have one) But yeah, thought i'd let you know.
    13. Organite
      I probably will later this evening at some point.
    14. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      Good idea. I'm thinking the definition needs to mention winning on Charlie Sheen proportions. And awesomeness on Gerard Butler proportions. It'll be the new hip slang for the children.

      "Dude, that's so dokasamokap!"

      It just rolls off the tongue, hm?
    15. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades

      Dave Otherwise Known As Scorch And Marcel Otherwise Known As Plasma. Then maybe we can give the word Dokasamokap its own definition.

    16. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      Or alternatively D and M for our names.
    17. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      Genius. Though the 'x' might be difficult. Though we need a word that has an "S" (Scorch), a "P" or "B" (Plasma or Blades). Any other necessary letters?
    18. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      Even better if we could make the obnoxiously large acronym spell something out. Two meanings? That would be so tedious.
    19. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      Scorching Blades would be fine with me. Or Scorching Plasma, that'd work too. As far as things with TAG in it, I'd say we choose one where it actually sounds like the word 'tag' (like in antagonist) as opposed to it sounding like 'taj/tij' (like in voltage). Or we could combine those names and have an awkwardly long name like Scorching Antagonist Blades O.o
    20. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      Works for me! Though it's been done quite a bit..
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  • About

    January 9
    Um...I think it has an 'N'...
    That Scorch Guy
    Soccer, Fencing, and Drawing