That Scorch Guy
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Mar 21, 2013 at 9:54 PM
Feb 20, 2011
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January 9
Um...I think it has an 'N'...

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That Scorch Guy

Forerunner, from Um...I think it has an 'N'...

That Scorch Guy was last seen:
Mar 21, 2013
    1. Nutduster
      No problem, I ended up playing hours on end with some of my super slayer friends anyway. Good times. I'll likely be on again this weekend, Saturday/Sunday during the morning and afternoon tend to be the best times for me.
    2. Matty
      Blacklight: Retribution on Steam
    3. SecretSchnitzel
      Yeah man... Although the customs scene has been a little lacking lately even for me... Customs generally go hand and hand with playing forge maps, but as the forge scene is kinda dying off... I'm struggling to find the motivation to even get on often lately. :O
    4. Nutduster
      Sure man, I'd be up for whatever. I'm busy as hell the next couple evenings though - probably won't be online at all until at least Thursday.
    5. Nutduster
      Yeah, that was fun. We should do it again some time.

      Halo 2 matchmaking was sucky thanks to the horrible lag that seemed to ruin every other game (at least). I loved Halo 2 on LAN but hated it online. Only really got into matchmaking with Halo 3, when they seemed to figure out the netcode problem. Perhaps also by then, more XBox Live users had a real internet connection.
    6. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      Psst, you're on 666 posts. Beware!
    7. cluckinho
      Objective Lobby This Friday
    8. Tedium
      Yeah dude, sounds awesome. If I see you online, it's on! After today I'll have a week nefore my next exams, so I should definitely be free.
    9. Nutduster
      Sure - the trick will be finding time to do it; I really haven't been online much in the last couple weeks. I may be on some today if you are.
    10. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      Don't worry about it - I saw that you had a guest and figured that was the reason. Though, I must say that it's good to be back! Have I missed anything of importance?
    11. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      It's been a while since I've seen you active.

      I personally like to do a bit of **** now and then so people don't think I've died, but it's your orange juice, I suppose. :)
    12. Organite
      I do too :/
      I miss the way it used to be and I miss everyone I used to do it with.
    13. Tedium
      Sure, if you see me online feel free to shoot me a message!
    14. Tedium
      Hey, wassup? I'm well. It's fine that you left, do don't feel bad. We've all got to get back to life sometimes. Besides, you can't write reviews forever :)
    15. Nutduster
      That's cool, let's get together some time soon then. I may start playing with an infection map idea this weekend, but knowing how I've been lately, I'll stare at it for ten minutes and go back to matchmaking instead.

      That's a nice math score! I got a high one too back in the day (so long ago that I don't remember what it was now, but I think over 700). I was an artsy creative type and had zero interest in math; I just happened to be good at it.
    16. Preacher001
      Ya, I figured as much. Let me know what you think of Revenant Rampage Arena. I really would love to see what one of FH's excellent track forgers would create using this gametype/gamestyle.
    17. Preacher001
      I know it's been a while but I was just wondering if you ever attempted that territories variant on Q-bert Slam? Oh and did you check out Revenant Rampage Arena? It's anotherfun one if you'd like a break from the norm.
    18. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo

      Ah well, it was worth a shot.
    19. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Don't feel bad; epee is for brutish monkeys, and I once witnessed a person become terminally disabled fighting daggre.

      East coast? What state? [sub]I have a good feeling about this.[/sub]
    20. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Yeah, Coach makes everyone that joins his facility start with foil, but I progressed rather quickly and broke off into sabre and daggre. I hardly remember foil at all, actually. In fact, I wasn't even allowed to start learning daggre until I was proficient in sabre, probably due to how dangerous it is.

      For us, the spectrum is more or less as follows (I specialize in the boldfaced teal):

      .....................-- Epee -- Epee (Advanced)
      Foil (Beginner) -- Foil -- Foil (Advanced)
      .....................-- Sabre -- Sabre (Advanced)
      .................................-- Daggre -- Daggre (Advanced)

      In which country do you reside, just curious?
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    January 9
    Um...I think it has an 'N'...
    That Scorch Guy
    Soccer, Fencing, and Drawing