Star iz Legiit
Last Activity:
May 15, 2009 at 6:06 PM
Jan 5, 2009
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none,only in high school

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Star iz Legiit

Ancient, from kentucky

Senior Member
Star iz Legiit was last seen:
May 15, 2009
    1. G043R
      Alright help me make a case is there a way to prove this is your? Something it can be small even? Because as far as I can tell the admin that locked it can only have proof from someone else. I can help you but I need your help as well.
    2. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Hey, good to see you're unbanned.
      So what went wrong?
    3. G043R
      First off you should try asking me, I am your friend not a slave. I can see what I can do but I would like to see your aptitude change a bit. I can understand your frustration.
    4. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Hey everybody that reads this.I really did like this website and i was going to do anything to make this site better and help it and try to make friends with everybody but ever since i got warned and then banned for posting my own map,i hate this site,its a joke,when I asked for help nobody would help me and I got 8 infractions for doing so,this site sucks and is a complete joke,This site sucks balls and all you moderators cant do nothing about this post because it is on my own profile,so screw you,and no thanks for all your help which you didnt give me
    5. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Alright. Talk to you Friday then.
    6. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      It's the story that's currently on the front home page.

      I've actually never signed up for one either, I've just been invited by people in them. Apparently though, you just send a freind request to the GTs listed in the TGIF 25 sign ups and make sure to be on live during the listed time.

      I'll send you a friend request over live so we can get into the same one. Is your GT Star of Knights?
    7. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Say, you should sign up for this Friday's TGIF if you haven't already. They're the best way to get to know people here, and they're great fun.

      Most people aren't as interested in the sight right off the bat as you are. I see great things happening for you in the future.
    8. Running Chron
      Running Chron
      I wouldn't mind playing some customs sometime, but my friends list is full and I know everyone on it pretty much on a first name basis. You can send one to "one fancy lad" if you want, thats my other account.
    9. d4rkdemon
      hey you said you need a forge parnter add my gamertag then d4rkdemon i will be online after school
    10. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Good to hear you're headed in the right direction.
    11. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Some of your posts which were considered spam were probably deleted. If you post again, just make sure that they're more well thought out comments.
    12. LIGHTSOUT225
      your name is pink because you are warned status due to the infractions you received from spamming the forums. The infractions will expire with time, and your name will go back to normal when that happens.
    13. G043R
      Your welcome, hope to hear from you again.
    14. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Then that is what you should focus on. Don't worry about getting those ranks, just focus on what brought you here in the first place. Be polite, be respectful, follow the rules and have fun!
    15. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Yes... and no. If your goal is to impress others and get a shiny rank, then I'd consider another goal. If you've come here to share and discuss maps, or even just download maps and give feedback, then that should be what you strive to do.

      I have to ask you, what brought you here and what do you want from the site?
    16. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Well I was helpful and active on the site for about 4-5 months before I was given a colored name. I earned my maroon color for having 2 maps featured on Forgehub's front page.

      Purple folks earn their color for their helpful and mature manner on the site. They are hand chosen by the staff, the rank cannot be automatically earned. Same with every other rank outside of Maroon.

      Red members are journalists and handle the front page of forgehub.
      Green users handle events on FH like the 2v2 tournament.
      Orange, Blue and Yellow members help maintain the site through moderating and other various activities. These are the highest ranking folks at FH, and they are people you should definitely respect.

      It takes a lot of dedicated time and effort to work your way up the ranks at Forgehub, even then you're not guaranteed anything.

      Just be aware that a rank will only get you so far. Respect is far more important than any image or color you could possibly earn.
    17. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Try to avoid posting short comments. If you're going to comment on a map, be sure to leave something with a little more substance than "looks cool 5/5". You could comment on the layout, weapons... all sorts of stuff... just as long as you explain yourself a bit.

      Infractions go away after a while, so if you start posting properly you should be fine after a few days.
    18. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Hey, I see quite a bit of people are getting angry, and telling you to stop spamming, but from the looks of it I don't think the connection is being made. It's not your fault if your opinion of spam is different from everybody else's.

      All you need to do is, rather than telling someone they did a good job, state what it is that they did well. Say specifically that you like about the map. If you had any dislikes, explain how you feel they can be fixed.

      So yeah, in any other forum you'd be doing fine. ↑ That, however, is pretty much the bare minimum for a post here. It's what makes the website so self-sufficient.
    19. halo kid
      halo kid
      If you would,try to keep from spamming the forums.
    20. Bottlecap
      Wow, just logged on and saw you spammed like 1 dozen old threads. Reminded me of when I first joined and I did a similar thing. Don't worry, you'll get crap now but this will always remind you not to make future mistakes. After a few weeks people will forget and you can move on.
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  • About

    none,only in high school
    Star iz Legiit
    Hey,I love to play play all sports and do just about anything that concerns the outdoors,I also love to play Halo 3,so if you want to play with me or against me,i'm here,so just message me

    basketball,baseball,football,fishing,hunting,playing halo,riding motocross

