Spicy Forges
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Aug 9, 2023 at 7:36 AM
Jul 12, 2009
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Spicy Forges

Ancient, Male, from Aus

Senior Member

Where forge Oct 24, 2022

Spicy Forges was last seen:
Aug 9, 2023
    1. Erupt
      Also, I have 5 clips. there are 2 sets of 2 that go together. As in, I throw grenade, and kill someone. But then after throwing the grenade and before killing the other guy, I have another small clip of the guy getting blown up by the grenade. Is that possible and all? lol :)
    2. Erupt
      Game 1, FFA Oddball.
      Game 2, FFA Koth.

      You choose. :D
    3. timmypanic
      Thanks, I had been making the Scarab for a while and as I had been on The Ark a few times and had some nice shots I thought it would be a good idea, and I am suprised I managed to get as much as I did into the map. I am looking forward to seeing your version. Anime also made a version with same name as mine... But it is the most fitting. I wouldn't mind if you also used the same name.
    4. Erupt
      I'll try to capture stuff tonight, and transfer it, say, Tomorrow/Saturday?
    5. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      I understand where you are coming from: Favoritism and Popularity.
      So yeah, no worries man.
    6. Organite
      damn 1000 character limit.
    7. Organite
      So, like I said man, it's nothing against you or Data Hive itself, it's what I have against the system, and in the long run if what I'm saying proves to be true it's going to severely harm this community.
    8. Organite
      My biggest issue was not about the map personally. I've started to notice a small correlation between people with strong ties to the TG and their map being featured. Maps become popular within the TG and then TG members back them including Stevo, Don't get me wrong, Stevo's a cool guy, but even he has said that his primary focus on this site is the TG and that leads me to believe that he just doesn't really look outward into the community and defaults to maps that did pretty well in TG, then this delves into my issues with the FHF system and why unenjoyable and sometimes awful maps can win FHF, and then upon gaining popularity and everyone wanting it featured a journo will ask the map creator to fix some things in order for it to be featured when there are plenty of maps that are amazing without having to fixed at all.
    9. Organite
      Here's the thing, I had issues with Data Hive.
      I played an earlier version and we encountered so many problems. It seemed like each phase had something that made it unenjoyable i.e. phase one the elites could easily spawn trap the spartans and personally I think the data stacks are a little too close together, phase two as soon as humans dropped into the tubes they would take fall damage and considering how little room there is in the tube they would probably be shot and killed before making it out, and phase 3 was just a massive sword camp-fest inside the core room for the elites thanks to the shield door.
      Now I outlined these same issues to a staff member and they said to DL the latest version and I wouldn't be disappointed. Well I'll be honest, man, I haven't gotten around to it yet, but like I said in your map's post (kinda in retribution of all the smack I talked about it :p) that I was willing to give it another chance.
    10. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Oh yeah 1080i is up from 720p so ur good.
    11. Erupt
      Er, the instuctions for the Hauppauge say to have output on the console or whatever set to 1080i
    12. Erupt
      Is 720p > 1080i or the other way around?

      Alright, I'll start cappin' stuff. Thanks :) Will I just transfer it with the wetransfer site or whatever? I'm new to this... :P
    13. robbieagray
      hmmm... makes sense. I too have been too busy with college work to do anything on my xbox. When you finish the map or need someone to test it let me know ok. I should be availible during ther summer for xbox live. :)
    14. Erupt
      Hey, Cryptooo. I'm beginning serious tests on Ambiance, so I'll begin to get some awesome clips n flythroguhs stuffs to capture. So, are you too busy with TGVideos now, or could you still do a video for it? Please and (hopefully) Thanks :)
    15. robbieagray
      so when can we expect to see the new ark map your working on? :)
    16. The Trivial Prodigy
      The Trivial Prodigy
      I will get back to you weds. about the video. Alternatively you could download the map, play a game on it (works well with CTF and slayer) and use that.
    17. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      your maps is awesome dont listen to the haters.
    18. Katanga
      Congrats on the feature, mate. Was a pleasure testing Data Hive, and I'm glad it got the recognition it deserved. :)
    19. Erupt
      As long as you can explain to me how I'd get the capped clips to you, sure.
    20. The Trivial Prodigy
      The Trivial Prodigy
      I answered your question was all. Now get to it on that video plox.
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    Still here. Previous aliases: Crypto nv, Crypocalypse, Cryppy!


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