Sotha Sil156
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Jun 16, 2012 at 3:58 PM
Oct 12, 2008
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The Principality of Sealand
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Sotha Sil156

Ancient, from The Principality of Sealand

Senior Member
Sotha Sil156 was last seen:
Jun 16, 2012
    1. Morphine
      Here's an update: I finished a very rough version of the map and it still has some major bugs. I tried testing it with 3v3v3v3 and there were spawn problems, which I fixed and I also added the missile pod but make them fairly weak. I did a very poor job with the starting area of the map, I'm hoping you can improve/rebuild it. The two towers the players shoot from are done and I made it playable for 4 or 2 teams, so either 2 teams per tower or one in each. I probably will only be online Saturday night this weekend, I put in a word at the testers guild about our map. I'm trying to get people together on saturday to try it out. Link - including a picture of some of my progress.

      I have been calling the map birdhouse because the two towers look somewhat them. I'm not sure about the name but we can discuss it later. I wanted to do something that included the word ''on''.
    2. Morphine
      Toxic Spade gave me permission to use his pre-made wall on avalanche, it even keeps banshees out. So we can use that map. I already started to build the map, and it's looking good. This is definitely a step above beta build test map. I was hoping you could make one specific part of it and I would build the other.

      When will you be available to work on it? Deathtoll told me he was making a vip banshee map on avalanche, so we should probably try to get ours out first so avoid looking unoriginal. He told me he described the gametype to you, is it similar to our idea?
    3. Morphine
      Operative was similar to Cave freaks, I'm trying to get some variety.
    4. Morphine
      I realized that the power drainer idea doesn't work because it doesn't effect people if you do 0 damage, And we shouldn't build the spawn area over the cliff because people can just camp there and shoot vips as they try to leave. Also any ideas for the name? I built the gametype.
    5. DeathToll77
      IDK we will see.........
    6. Morphine
      I wouldn't really worry about it, people do it all the time. I got a 1* with monster madness and pacifism (no post).
    7. Morphine
      Personally I thought it was a good movie, but I would have gone with 'The Wrestler' or 'Milk' for best picture.
    8. Morphine
      Too late for what? Also what movie?
    9. Plasma Napkin
      Plasma Napkin
      Yep 4.5=5 stars. I already voted though.
    10. zackj191
      No. It's had mac, and you rub it on ur face
    11. DeathToll77
      I see what your dong. I think we should slide away from tremors though, or anything similar. Honestly the second one I just don't like. I think we should just work on the one we are doing currently, and I have a game that is a mix between teamwerks and Purple Bunker. I will show you
    12. DeathToll77
      Yeah I saw, pretty funny. We are going to have an awesome time
    13. Morphine
      I made a map similar to this except with juggernaut, it's on my file share named: white light on abyss. Here is another map with a similar idea except koth.
    14. DeathToll77
      Sure after some exams
    15. DeathToll77
      Yes I know, we will have to see. This is what you do. Lay every weapon and equipment out on the floor and then and idea will pop into your head
    16. DeathToll77
      not lost. Just needs to be alot more simple. Not for me. But a mini-game needs to be fool proof.
    17. DeathToll77
      I believe I have the perfect Idea for the lave game. float the platforms above avalance(not over the edge) and put one territory that covers all of them. and put the "lava" on the ground with gravity hammers that make them fall out of the platforms(territories) making them able to be killed.
    18. DeathToll77
      Not worthless, just needs tweaking. Like alot.
    19. DeathToll77
      Well, come up with one incase this one does'nt work out
    20. DeathToll77
      I will, but it's not random. I just want to do another amazing mini-game that is either pennyless or above quality.
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    The Principality of Sealand
    Engaged in Trip Hop.
    Sotha Sil156
    My name is Katherine.

    Finding love.


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