Sotha Sil156
Last Activity:
Jun 16, 2012 at 3:58 PM
Oct 12, 2008
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Sotha Sil156

Ancient, from The Principality of Sealand

Senior Member
Sotha Sil156 was last seen:
Jun 16, 2012
    1. idiotninja
    2. DeathToll77
    3. Plasma Napkin
      Plasma Napkin
      lol... I had the idea first though...
    4. idiotninja
      What!? Since when? I am Cheesepuffs96 you know.
    5. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Was that in the new version, or the old version of Gridlocked?

      The new version uses a different spawn system, so the map plays a bit different than you'd expect on the new version.
    6. Morphine
      so what are you suggesting?
    7. Morphine
      What do you think about posting a version 1? let me know what else you think needs to be done.
    8. The Spartan III
      The Spartan III
      i'msure you could, but i dont know how to invite ppl. sorry. i honestly would if i knew how
    9. ForgeGod117
      sorry I should have replyed to you a long time ago. 5 people is more than enough on a collaboration. I will PM spartan and see what he thinks.
    10. Plasma Napkin
      Plasma Napkin
      yep, I would like to help, but atm I am forging my Conquest map too. So just send me friend request and message me when You do something/want me to join.
    11. RampaginFetus
      Sorry man, we already pretty full, would you like to help us test the final version though?
    12. DeathToll77
      not vorpal. Secret
    13. DeathToll77
      pff of course not, that would be stupid. I hate to be full of myself but that map is going straight to the top once my is finished with his part. (Name Withheld,surprise)
    14. DeathToll77
      Do anything as in right now? I really can't I should be headed off to sleep soon.
    15. DeathToll77
    16. Morphine
      Is it just 2 teams? If so I think we should just work out the laser.
    17. Morphine
      How would you feel about turret and missile pod as the main weapons, maybe give them near infinite ammo? Just trying to think of ways to make it easier to hit them. Or maybe splazors and very low damage.
    18. Morphine
      Are you going to be on at all this afternoon? I'll like to take a look at the map if possible.
    19. StreetSoccer12
      Yeah, I haven't been playing halo 3 for awhile...I'll update it.
    20. Morphine
      The reason I picked only two towers is so the game can still be played with only 2 teams without adding dead zones where the banshees can't be hit. Do not worry though the teams are separated within the box so they can't assassinate or shoot on another. I changed the gametype so the VIP can be killed but it takes a few hits, while he is waiting for the respawn he can go into the tower with the rest of his team to shoot the other VIPs (normally about 20 seconds).

      Also, I don't really think we need a gravity lift system, I think what I have now works and it's simple. I'll show it to you Friday if I can get online but things are doubtful. But I sent you a link to the most recent version of the gametype and map if you want to work on it tonight. Otherwise, I'll see you Saturday. Also, the name still needs work...
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    The Principality of Sealand
    Engaged in Trip Hop.
    Sotha Sil156
    My name is Katherine.

    Finding love.


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