Skyward Shoe
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Mar 10, 2019 at 1:03 PM
Oct 13, 2010
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Redmond, Washington
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Skyward Shoe

BTB Legend, Female, from Redmond, Washington

Forge Critic Senior Member

Someday, perhaps, we can just have forge and Halo discussion without the drama. Apr 8, 2016

Skyward Shoe was last seen:
Mar 10, 2019
    1. Psychoduck
      i guess there'll have to be an S variant for FWOT as well... is it that fun?

      Possible side effects of Embarcadero include but are not limited to:

      -Projectile staring contests
      -Severe lack of toenails
      -An inability to identify cable cars
      -Sourdough Addiction
      -increased rate of digestion, and
      -reckless wheelman sprees

      On a real note, I've been excited lately with all the FHF awesomeness. There have been some great choices the last few weeks!
      ...and in the past, not being able to find a sniper rifle.
    2. Psychoduck
      My next idea is a design based on the city of San Francisco, with several hilly streets leading from the bottom area of the map to the top. I believe I will be able to capture a good balance between infantry and vehicles finally (my last few ideas were scrapped because they didn't do this.) If it drives well and lines of sight are good, I could use some help on structural aesthetics, I just end up with a few ugly areas on each map I make. Thanks for the interest, I will invite you onto it once the basic streets are drivable.
      I was looking back through the First Tracks thread, and this sorta caught my eye.
    3. Soul Slasher
      Soul Slasher
      Nah, i just copy/pasted what you said... I was lurking.
    4. Audienceofone
    5. Psychoduck
      I would nom Hushed, but I feel like I shouldn't because I haven't actually played it, even though I can tell it's a good map.
    6. Psychoduck
      Are you saying you asked a girl out who had been dating someone for 3 months? That's just silly. Right now there's nothing better after a long day of classes and studying than playing CoD. Obviously Halo is far better than CoD, so I should find myself online fairly often, on weekdays at least.

      Gameplay = sketchup, architecture = YOU!
    7. Psychoduck
      So I edited the below post, I hadn't realized you had already seen it. Falling Water is cool, but there's not much we can do with Water, although incorporating some into the city could be cool. i think that if we can create a cool urban feel (something we've both done in the past) around an awesome gameplay experience, that will be enough. Due to how big the map has to be, and how much stuff goes into it, we'll be hard pressed to do much more than that.

      P.S. I was hoping you'd say you were going with a date.

      P.P.S. Xbox in 10 days
    8. Psychoduck
      I'm gonna work on revising it a bit. Also, as far as putting more stuff into it for the look and feel, such as building facades, cable cars, random flags, billboards, and making the core room a movie theatre from which you must steal the film real (yeah, that was making fun of First Tracks), that will come later. That's the sort of thing we do woith left over budget and objects. This area would fit into a city rather nicely. That's something I can add into the SU from an art standpoint, but this was a focus on gameplay. I'm not sure that i agree on the spawn room problem for phase 2, as on Bungie Invasion maps, defenders tend to spawn quite close to territories. Tjhere's not really a better place to put them that I can think of. Anyway, we'll see. Get better soon.

      And is Shoe going to homecoming? :o
    9. Psychoduck
      Invasion: Derpyface is done in sketchup. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble taking screenshots. It would be so much easier for me and better for you if you got sketchup. then, you could view he model in 3d and all. Also, you'd probably love sketchup since you like drawing maps out so much. Gett itt Nao!
    10. Psychoduck
    11. Soul Slasher
      Soul Slasher
      Hooray, u gotz 500 powstz!
    12. Bones
      Wow, thanks for unearthing Hushed, Shoe! I was planning to update the thread with new videos and links next week, but you've forced me expedite my plans! I've updated the map and download links for now, and will try to add the other content soon.

      Also, as promised, I voted for Embarcadero in FHF XXIII.
    13. Psychoduck
      I've actually had a fairly groundbreaking idea for a 2v2 map (which I would share with you in PM if you want). I'm actually quite confident in my current banana design though. this other map I mentioned would make a great side project though.
    14. Psychoduck
      I am sketchuping a thing called Banana.

      Also, you have 500 posts.
    15. Psychoduck
      Oh derpest me...
    16. Soul Slasher
    17. Psychoduck
      I already saw that!
    18. xzamplez
      Don't msg me an the ask me not to respond, that's redundant.

      You may have seen it as an insult, but I was merely stating facts. He only has one map with an original layout. He has never pre-planned a map, so he has no say in the argument.

      He is merely defending the kid who supports going into forge with no plans because that is what he does. It is like saying blue is a better color than red, when you have never seen red.
    19. Psychoduck
      One way to do it would be to not have the core at one of the old territories, but to have it in it's own location, closer to the center of the map. This would require more stuff to be built though, and more budget.
    20. Marcass2021
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  • About

    July 30
    Redmond, Washington
    Test Associate
    Skyward Shoe
    I am an aspiring level designer with a Halo portfolio stretching back to Halo: Reach. I generally focus on Big Team Battle and 4v4 maps that feature vehicles. Two of my maps, Hitchhiker and Excavtion, were featured in the Forge playlist in Halo 4 Matchmaking.


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