Skyward Shoe
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Mar 10, 2019 at 1:03 PM
Oct 13, 2010
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July 30
Redmond, Washington
Test Associate

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Skyward Shoe

BTB Legend, Female, from Redmond, Washington

Forge Critic Senior Member

Someday, perhaps, we can just have forge and Halo discussion without the drama. Apr 8, 2016

Skyward Shoe was last seen:
Mar 10, 2019
    1. Confused Flamingo
    2. Psychoduck
      make sure you check out the Hubbity-Pub, good sir.
    3. Eightball
      It's about time :P Grats on the blue mane.
    4. Psychoduck
      Congrats on Barky for best objective man, it deserved it. i'm pissed Metropolis didn't win best big team though.
    5. version2
    6. Psychoduck
      I should be on tonight.
    7. Psychoduck
      Ran some preliminary tests on Exchange tonight, it's turned out quite well, i think.
    8. Psychoduck
      Exchange is like 98% complete. I just have to do a bit more structurally, finish spawns and weapons, and then we can play it. I think you'll like the look of the map quite a bit.
    9. x black kn1ght
      x black kn1ght
      There's a few other wheelmen on Forgehub but I don't think they visit much anymore, I'll hopefully get some games in with you in Sarge's lobbies :]
    10. Redy
      Perfect, I'll have to take a trip this week, then probably one week from now.
    11. Psychoduck
      Yep, I'm glad to help.
    12. Psychoduck
    13. Redy
      Awesome Feedback Shoe! Thank you very much for your contribution, not only you, but all who witnessed the Mechprime test. As to my chose, I decided to change the layout of the map for the Duck´s concept: 4 v. 4 Invasion. Apparently, I deleted the entire first phase, and the crane. I also downloaded Cargo Port, to get an idea of ​​appropriate loadouts. I really agree with the changes, but I dont know if I can apply them exactly as you imagine in the thread, because since I started building it, I did not exactly think in a pre-defined gameplay, I just looked at what could be more acceptable in terms of invasion, and put the spaws there. And since then, I´m with some difficulty in defining a good gameplay layout in this multiplatform field that I created. So I accept your help, and I would be very happy if you or Duck could give me some guidelines in forge before I begin to reconstruct the Phase 1 again. Other than that, nothing that will not be great with some tweaking, so, see ya!
    14. Psychoduck
      Figure - The Werewolf (Dubstep Mix) FREE DOWNLOAD. - YouTube
    15. Psychoduck
      Yeah, perhaps tonight. I've had a crazy weekend...

      Good job on the Mechprime feedback, as always.
    16. Psychoduck
      "• Squad DLC updated.

      Squad DLC’s population is dangerously low. To breathe some life into this list, we’re making a few changes. Anniversary maps have been set to optional, and Noble and Defiant maps continue to be required. We have also heard your concerns in regard to a few achievement-friendly game types still being difficult to find. In response to that, we’ve added the following objective game types to voting slot three:

      Multiflag on Highlands, 1 Flag on Highlands, 1 Flag on Condemned, Invasion on Breakpoint, Crazy King in Breakpoint, 1 Flag on Breakpoint, 1 Flag on Tempest, Multiflag on Tempest, Crazy King on Tempest, Neutral Bomb on Tempest, Multiflag on Condemned, Crazy King on Condemned, Crazy King on High Noon, 1 Flag on High Noon, Crazy King on Breakneck, 1 Flag on Breakneck, Stockpile on Ridgeline, Neutral Bomb on Ridgeline, and Crazy King on Ridgeline. "
    17. Berb
      I'm lollin my pants off...

    18. Psychoduck
      Look in the Convent thread to see a huge fail made by MrGreenWithaStickuphisohwaitnevermind.

      Also, Port Auhtauritay thread's been updated.
    19. Berb
    20. Psychoduck
      It gave them hop!

      Half Life: Hero Beggining - YouTube
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  • About

    July 30
    Redmond, Washington
    Test Associate
    Skyward Shoe
    I am an aspiring level designer with a Halo portfolio stretching back to Halo: Reach. I generally focus on Big Team Battle and 4v4 maps that feature vehicles. Two of my maps, Hitchhiker and Excavtion, were featured in the Forge playlist in Halo 4 Matchmaking.


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