Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Pegasi
      Lol, for us SATs are crappy tests you take in years 2, 6 and 9. Pretty much anyone who knows appreciates that they're the most pointless standardised tests ever. What exactly are they for you?
    2. Pegasi
      4 hour test? **** dude, the longest I've ever had was 3, and that's not very common..
    3. Pegasi
      Glad to hear I'm not completely alone then in that respect :P.

      If you do progress on either project then please keep me informed, talking Forge makes a nice break from the tirade of reading and work I'm currently suffering.
    4. Pegasi
      I see. I must admit that I only have such an idea of weapon placement as I go along sometimes, mostly spots just come to me as I create structures, still before the map is finished, but not what you'd call preconceived. I guess that's cause I'm a pretty bodge-job forger, I'm still in the habit of making things up as I go along, I wish I could offer help on that matter but sadly it ain't the case. I really need to get better at the hardcore competitive design aspect, but I fear FC2 could ruin it all..... Good luck on that front, have you considered talking to old skool conquest builders? I'm sure they'd be more than happy to discuss it and reinvigorate your forging if it held the promise of a solo project from you and a reprise of conquest.
    5. Pegasi
      I know the pain of that problem, AstroTurf was a ***** to finish, the wall at the top back corner is patched together with literally anything I could find, and looks kinda funny as a result. My friend's first attempt at forging has run into the same problem, he's got to the third floor of his enclosed map to find that he doesn't enough to fill in all the gaps along the way, let alone do the ceiling... I told him not to leave gaps as he went, but did he listen?
    6. Pegasi
      Fo shizzle ma nizzle, my Yank compadre.

      I have given my thoughts on the matter, please excuse the somewhat fragmented nature of the musings....
    7. Pegasi
      You may be right ..... I've had many a computer based anger management issue in my life. But my mac has managed to keep me calm, it knows not to screw me around :P

      Damn curry smells good, why do I always wait till I'm really hungry to start cooking?
    8. Pegasi
      It may be a little time coming, not as long as your PM (unless some cruel ironic, similar fate should befall me), I'm cooking a curry at the same time :P
    9. Pegasi
      Complex forge dynamics always are, especially if your not in the game or, preferably, right next to the person so all manner of illustrative hand gestures can go on...
      You're right that its not exactly the regular set up as well, thus making it doubly hard. But I think I'm getting the idea. The use of levels seems very interesting to say the least (That is all I shall say in non-PM form, or the plebs will know your plans)
    10. Pegasi
      It does seem pretty in depth, and I shamefully admit I lol'd a little when I saw that comment today. I'm almost done reading it, but the strange set up I've managed to visualise so far intrigues me.
    11. Resix
      yeah and gameplay was as good in v1 but idk i might add a couple more elements to it for v2 if i am not too lazy and i actually finish it.
    12. Resix
      ok thanks. i cleaned the one bad geomerge i did but idk if im gonna post v2 or not i got it tested today and everybody really like the gameplay
    13. Resix
    14. Pegasi
      I'm gonna have to head off now man, bed calls. But I'll read it tomorrow, you've got me all intrigued now.
    15. Pegasi
      I wouldn't expect anything less than abstract from yourself.
    16. Pegasi
      Dude that's sweet. Simple but suitably flawless.

      I know what you mean about Forging as well, its way too easy to lose enthusiasm with Forge and I only drop back in when I see a map that really blows me away, it just gets my mind going again. I was just saying to Driscoll how I've got a Ghost Town map that's pretty much done, only Gametypes (minus Slayer, already done) remain, but I just haven't been assed to finish it, I've been sitting on it for months.

      I'll look out for that message, I haven't got a clue about the specifics of forging with Conquest in mind, but always love a pretty picture.
    17. Pegasi
      I didn't think I'd ever heard of a solo project from you...

      If you can build a Zombie map which truly impresses me then hats off, I shall be...well, impressed....

      That conquest thing sounds interesting though, a revamp could really bring it back into the limelight (Finish nao!)

      I know what you mean about the dots on Foundry Floor as well, I try to use them but don't have your patience when it comes to re-builds. If I move on from something then I generally take it as done, I can never bring myself to come back to it. I'd love to have the same attitude as you, I can always tell if something's straight or not down to the pixel, I just get this sinking feeling when I attempt the same merge for the umpteenth time and I'd never finish a map if I did.

      You must let me know when you finish one of them though, I must see these epic creations of yours with my own eyes, I get the feeling they'll be something to behold.
    18. Pegasi
      Best laid plans and all that...

      A map though? From Sarge? 6 months you say? This should be something to behold. The only thing of yours I've ever really known about/looked into was TNT Polo, but I'm always hearing how your a serious perfectionist when it comes to forging.
    19. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Sarge, did you do trick or treating? If so what were you? :P
    20. Pegasi
      Ah, not so bad my good man. Just finished up my TGIF, had a little kufuffle getting the group photo together (how hard is it to get 6 people to stand in 2 rows of 3?) but otherwise it went well.

      How goes life in the Big Country?
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


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    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****