Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Waylander
      Will do. Probably gonna start on it as soon as I do a new type canvas for the map.
    2. Waylander
      You know how you said I should make another Assault Course like the one I had on Avalanche? When I get Sandbox, I will.
    3. M.Jelleh
    4. M.Jelleh
      I believe you spawn the box or whatever you want to merge, interlock a wall at the height u want it to go up to, float it, and then start a new game, hold the box and it merges with the ground.
    5. M.Jelleh
      I'm sorry, the really hard way that takes a while.
    6. M.Jelleh
      Hey, with the release of this item list for sandbox, do you think we will have to merge the stupid way? I was worried about this lol.
    7. The Desert Fox
      The Desert Fox
      What do you expect to happen here? Do you think I am going to break down and concede to your ultimate knowledge simply because you pretend to have a larger vocabulary than you do? Children. It's people like you that symbolize the epitome of hypocrisy. Your also the kind of person that can't answer a question, hence this pointless quarrel. Enjoy your life, if you can call it that.
    8. Chipsinabox
      Food for thought: What is going to happen to the "Non-foundry" tag in the maps forum once Sandbox is released to the public?
    9. The Desert Fox
      The Desert Fox
      Normally when i say I'm not going to waste my time with someone, I mean it. But in your case, you obviously have dedicated many, many moments of time to draft up the, although absurd and ridiculous, multiple accounts now so disgustingly adorning my profile. In that sense, I feel obliged to repay the favor. That, you immature child, is the very meaning of what "pathetic" is. Get a life. But i'm not going to lie. I had a lot of fun looking at how angry you got and how out of proportion you blew this. I also love watching ignorant kids try to act intelligent but in the process, accidentally prove to all onlookers the source of their seemingly endless stupidity. Please, for the sake of your reputation in a world that DOES matter, do not post another thesis on my wall. Your insolence knows no bounds.
    10. The Desert Fox
      The Desert Fox
      There are so many idiocies and ignorant absurdities you have just plastered to my wall that I do not know where to begin. Fortunately for yourself, I will not, because as a personal moral code, it has always been a tenet of mine to never waste any moment of my time with ignoramuses. Have a good day, and hopefully, by trying to outwit someone on a forum website and FAILING, you will perhaps try a different course in your so far pathetic life.
    11. NeverlessWonder
      I went looking just now at some things this guy said... wow.
      You found yourself quite the catch Sarge. I'm gonna enjoy watching this one. *grabs the popcorn and waits for the show to start*
    12. NeverlessWonder
      LOL Sarge. You seriously own.

      Keep using your powers for good dude. You do such an excellent job at wasting the idiots.
    13. The Desert Fox
      The Desert Fox
      You are a joke. Rather, a hippocritical piece of ****. You tell me to watch my "prickish attitude", all the while forgetting that you have just called me an ignorant prick?? In what ungodly logic have you been trained? On what planet does such a statement make even the most remote amount of sense? To tell you the truth, I am not even marginally angry with your response, but rather amazed that such stupidity still exists in the modern world. The very purpose of education is to help people like you shy away from monitoring pointless forums 24 hours a day and infracting people that speak their minds. Perhaps if you were less of a dictatorial schmuck occupied with sending hippocritical messages to anyone that opens their mouth, you might actually have a life that amounts to something. pssh. i dont know why i waste my time with people like you.
    14. Nightfire
      lol, thanks for being understanding.
      Hope that doesn't make your views of the testers guild negative.
    15. Nightfire
      Hey, I know this is kind of late, but I just wanted to say sorry for missing your test. I usually don't miss tests. If you're testing your map again and I'm on, shoot me an invite. I'll be glad to join.
    16. Debo37
      Nevermind. Your reaction time was too slow. The window of opportunity has passed.
    17. AceOfSpades
      love your avatar
    18. Lance001
      Lou Gehrig's disease (AKA ALS). It's a neuron-degenerative disease. Your body essentially wastes away. What starts as a small slur in speech turns into muteness, because your vocal cords literally erode. Same with every muscle in your body. He currently has a bit of strength left in his arms, but that's about it.

      He's still going strong mentally, though, which is good. He's been blogging about how the disease affects him (he still has some control over his hands), so that's been great to witness. Overall, it's brought my family closer together; it's amazing how the little things like arguing and fighting suddenly are irrelevant. =P
    19. Lance001
      Eh, loads worse. He can't speak, walk, or eat at all, and will soon be on a breathing machine. =/
    20. Psycho
      This is how the cool people talk.

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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****