Sep 20, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from Alberta

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    1. R0FLninja
      i tried getting them with no shields, but it was too far away. And the t is kinda supposed to be like that.

      Are you gonna use it anyways?
    2. R0FLninja

      sig, by me
    3. jakob hunter
      jakob hunter
      ok i will be taking them tomorrow though
    4. R0FLninja
      sweet, maybe ill try later tonight and do the real thing tommorow with you, kk?
    5. R0FLninja
      I had an idea for the banner

      I go into ODST, play the last mission, take a screenshot of like 4 ODST's in the background and Virgil in the foreground, blur the odsts in the BG, and put the text "Asset" next to virgil, who seems to be standing out in the middle.

      It'll look so epic, and if I cant pull it off, ill request it in a GnA shop and have someone else do it.
    6. R0FLninja
      Maybe i can make you one, what is your idea for the banner, whaddaya want on it?
    7. R0FLninja
      So, how much do you want me to finish Uplift Resreve?

      Should I be In a Rush to finish it?
      And Can Uplift Reserve have its own map thread?
    8. R0FLninja

      can you add this into the Asset Map pack thread for my map?


      Btw, ill be on later today, around 6pm western.
    9. R0FLninja
      you should post this in the thread for advice for Monolith


      "dont let virgil go into enclosed spaces".

      I took it.
    10. R0FLninja
      Sweet man, thanks for putting up with my BS.

      Hope the thread turns out well, cuz the people here are getting pretty pissed because this one guy [me] has been hogging the computer for an hour and a half, this guys just looked at me like he would kill me if he couldnt get to his e-mail, and im gonna get off soon. LOL
    11. R0FLninja
      I am sooooooo sorry.
      I should have thought about the stuff that you had done for this, I deleted all traces of previews for your maps.

      Once again, I am truly sorry to have spoiled it for everyone.
    12. R0FLninja
    13. cody cero
      cody cero
      One thing just crossed my mind, I think part of the reason why I came up with this idea is because as far as I can tell (I don't know really since I haven't played your map myself).

      But I'm guessing you have people drop the drop pods down once per round. I think this will add a cool effect of using the drop pods at any point in the game to drop down supplies. Heck if your lucky you might smash a covenant.
    14. cody cero
      cody cero
      More or less, just a something different to try out to see if an assistance system would be fun to use. The only problem I see is that this would make it really challenging for the odst unless you powered the covenant down. Considering how there will be a depletion in manpower on the actual battlefield.
    15. cody cero
      cody cero
      Basic idea, people cant get out of the starting room after the first 30 seonds of the game and can assist from above with cover fire and dropping down equipment. And this also means that u cant have odst spawn with nades, no friendly fire, and there can be no nade spawns in the starting room.
    16. cody cero
      cody cero
      Ok, What I meant is that this will use pretty much the same thing as what you have now as far as the drop pod rooms where the odst drop down from. It still uses drop pods.

      But I'm suggesting to have any odst that are left in the room after 30 seconds get stuck in there. The only thing they can do is shoot thru a small window or something similar to it to the lower area where the battle is taking place. And the other thing they can do is put in bunches of equipment and weapons in the drop pod, after which they get inside to cause it to drop.

      But while its dropping, pretty much as soon as it starts to drop the drop pod passes thru a sender node or 2 that takes the person inside the pod back into the starting room where they can continue to assist from. The sender node spawns in 30 seconds after the round start that way some if not all the people inside can get out. Anybody left inside acts as the assistance that I'm suggesting.
    17. R0FLninja
      Ill be sending you pics of Uplift reserve from vaccay, im goin on a trip, and ill try to use the computer there to send screnshots form B.net to you, either later today or tommorow.

      Tho you might want to post that Asset map pack thread soon.
    18. R0FLninja

      Thanks again brew.
    19. R0FLninja
      Thanks dude.

      Do you think you could still help me sometimes tho?
    20. R0FLninja

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    June 3
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