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Dec 13, 2012 at 10:18 PM
Jun 16, 2008
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June 5
Washington University in St. Louis
Graphics designer

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Ancient, from Washington University in St. Louis

Senior Member
RaVNzCRoFT was last seen:
Dec 13, 2012
    1. version2
      hey could you make me a signature and an avatar?
    2. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      Ah, as of now, im not interested because i wanna let my site grow, but il contact you in the future when i have a clearer idea. thank you sir
    3. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      you said you could help out with making my layout custom.. what did you mean? do you do web design?
    4. Nemihara
      Noice profile customization.
    5. Linubidix
      Very professional profile.
    6. drak
      very nice profile!
    7. Insane54
      Beautiful set up :)
    8. Linubidix
      I'm hoping to hear this but I doubt I get the answer I want.
      Is Bryce a free programme?
    9. Linubidix
    10. M.Jelleh
      lol i'm half joking and half serious
    11. M.Jelleh
      ur jewish 2? dang, i'm serious. we gotta make some kind of team. like u, me, whisper, e93, and insane
    12. Boyle06
      climb back up to win. (there are 7 shoots with habit on on the side or in faded text on top or something) the distance for one shoot to the other will have 12 spaces between it with the value of what a put on the paint img. for ALL SIDES. the 7 habit (you can look them up "7 habits for highly effective teens) are placed in the spaces like shown in the other paint img.) does that make more sense... colorful and well made would be a plus BUT beggers cant be choosers so what ever you can do IF YOU DO IT will be fine. some1 else may be trying this but idk he make be pulling my leg.

      I have to go tho so i should be back on in like 20 min
    13. Boyle06
      okay... it is due mon so u will have the weekend... basically.. we r building a board game mine is a lot like trivia pursuit (look it up if u want) the players all spawn in the 7 habit circle and depending on which habit they are dictates which shoot ( made up of 3 lose your turn squares) next they will roll the dice to determine where they will go next moving clockwise... if they land on a 25,20,15,10,5 square and answer the question they are give right they recieve that amount of pts. and its the next persons turn. when some1 get 500 (per say) pts. they will have to get back to their shoot and
    14. Boyle06
      thx for not being a duche bout me asking for help lol
    15. QKT
      nope not warez
    16. InferiorPigeon
      Hey, it really won't surprise me.
      Especially since you got into FHF, that means at least one staff member has at least played on it once.
      I will suggest it for teh featurez!
    17. InferiorPigeon
      Wow, that was probably the best Infection map I have played.
      Great job man, when the zombies knew what they were doing, it was freaking hard.
      I'm sorry I had to leave, but I really want to play that again.
      It was so much fun!
    18. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Alright, yeah no problem. I wasn't aware of this so sorry for jumping the gun. I get it back in there for ya :0)
    19. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Did Tex move it from Casual to Competitive in the first place? If he did and allowed you to have it in Competitive then I have no problem moving it back. Otherwise we are to treat infection maps as Casual.
    20. InferiorPigeon
      You can probably expect to see it on the front page fairly soon.
      They do a front page report with all the new content when it gets completely updated.
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    June 5
    Washington University in St. Louis
    Graphics designer
    Graphics design




    ~ The Panic Room ~

    Feel free to PM me for graphics design help.