Pixie Dust
Last Activity:
Aug 2, 2011 at 2:57 PM
Mar 16, 2009
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Pixie Dust

Ancient, from Texas

Senior Member
Pixie Dust was last seen:
Aug 2, 2011
    1. USNSEABEE555
      Hi there Pixie, I would like to thank you again for participating in the testing of my map. I think you forgot to post feedback, I don't think you will get credit for testing the map if you don't. Thanks again bud
    2. Ladnil
      That 1v1/2v2 sketchup you posted... Anyone claimed it yet? Looks like it would take about 3 hours max to forge properly, so I'd be happy to do it for you as a break from my own maps. And by properly I mean including geomerging the stairs and columns into the crypt walls to prevent grenade loss, and perhaps some aesthetic details on the boundry wall, since the budget leftover will be so huge.
    3. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Hey, this keyboard is messed up so when I get home and on my laptop, I wil give you more info on the map I want sketched up
    4. HunTedMeat
      Thanks updating post now.
    5. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      I got my signature from www.halo3.junk.ws The signature itself is called "Ghost Linear," which you can find here, but you have to register at the site to use it.

      To post pictures on this website, go to Halo Screen Shots, and enter your gamertag in the box on the top right, and follow the instructions from there. Then, find the picture you want to post to this forum, and copy the BB Code beneath your screenshot from haloscreenshots, and paste it into your post. This all sounds very long and complicated in words, but trust me, it's very easy to do. Plus, when you post a map, embedded screenshots are a requirement.
    6. Pixie Dust
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  • About

    Pixie Dustttt
    Im new to forging so please dont judge my masterpieces like a pro. ;) Im currently working on a MLG map in the crypt that alot of people really like and i will soon post the beta up on the forums so I can see what you think about it too. =]

    Forging, competive gaming, football, baseball, and of coure bitching out bungie! =]


    My Maps: Ascending- Remake of halo 2's Ascension ​