I really like your map: Deadlock. Wonderful aesthetics and great gameplay. Too bad the rest of forgehub can't see past the fact that you used some frowned upon techniques to make it unbreakable. Have you thought about trying to rework some things to make it a forgehub acceptable map?
"Violation of XBL Terms of Service: Anything that suggests involvement in or encouraging the violation of the XBOX LIVE Terms of Use."
Good job on your map. Looks fantastic. Although it was modded I think It was necessary, but against the rules. If it were up to me I'd say you just couldn't get a feature if you had modded it and not have locked it.
Can you give me the non-premiums map this weekend if you're finished with it? You've had it forever and we need to move on.
dude i just saw this video and I just realized they used your map, just giving you a heads up unless you didn't already know
Can you update the pictures for the non-premiums map soon? Everyone is getting angry for some reason lol.
congrats on favs, i believe your betting it next week again, and some more good maps are gonna join yours ;]
Dude! Hey. So you probably don't know who I am...but we both have maps on Bungie Favorites (from Mjolnir Battle Tactics). Congrats man!