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May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

Senior Member
Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. Reign
      Why thank you :D
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      Gun Game on Blops consists of 20 "levels" each one being a different weapon and requiring a kill with said weapon to get promoted.

      The last level is the ballistic knife, the first is the revolver.
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      Sorry, I tend to lurk and comment directly on whatever someone just posted without clarifying. You mentioned that you didn't use astros on one game, thus limiting your ability to recognize an enemy clearly evident in the video.

      Yeah, I've been playing it a lot lately. I'm a gun game god. I'm almost always in the top 3, and most of the time I'm in first. I played a game yesterday where I killed 8 players before anyone progressed to the second level.

      Unfortunately, as I hit the penultimate level my xbox overheated and cut the game off. :C
    4. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Mkay, I'll be on for a while :P
    5. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Get on halo pl0x :)
    6. SargeantSarcasm
      My ears hurt when I wear headphones, the drawback is I'm not 100% sure of where everyone is :C

      Also, Black Ops is actually much better than MW2 when you aren't dealing with horrendous spawns, which are plenty but not in certain gametypes.
    7. Nutduster
      I was lucky to get to (or have to) do it a lot back in the CE days! I definitely miss it. The screwed up thing is I don't think most of the other guys remember how fun it was, 'cause if I try to get one together now everybody's too busy and can't commit. Every time I've tried to put one together since Halo 3, I end up with half as many people as we used to get. It's too bad.
    8. Nutduster
      I have a lot of nostalgia for things from CE, believe me! MLG and tournaments in general is one - we went to two or three different MLG events (if I remember right the last one was for Halo 2) and also a local, non-MLG tournament here in Indianapolis, where the players were pretty weak and we dominated on everybody. Also lots of LAN parties at various people's houses and so forth. I have real nostalgia for those LAN games because as soon as XBox Live took off, people basically stopped having them. It's a real shame - I'd much rather play in a house with a bunch of my friends than online against randoms, but those friends are all older/married/have kids/out of gaming now, with a few exceptions, and if they still play it's only online. It's weird that just ten years ago I was playing for something like 4-5 hours a pop on the same night every single week, usually in a room full of guys yelling at each other and having a good time. XBL seems really unfriendly and unsocial to me.
    9. Nutduster
      Sure, although I'm not sure my answer will be correct! :) It was in Chicago and the year would have been around 2003 I think. I don't remember much more than that though. I wasn't really an MLG player (and still am not), but we had a regular LAN party held at a friend's house every week, and since this friend and I were beating the pants off everyone else who attended we liked our chances in a tournament format. We found out about this MLG event somehow (the internets, I assume) and signed up for it - really we didn't even know what MLG was at that point, but we were already playing pistol starts and no trackers in our games so it seemed like a good fit. As it turned out, we were just in the top 10% or so of players - no longer gods of Halo exactly - and the two friends we took with us were badly outclassed. So we got handled in about half of our games. But it was fun.
    10. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      You have an English degree, so you're already on a pedestal.
    11. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Thank you for pointing that out, but to be honest I get to rushed in trying to communicate what I need to rather than doing it eloquently. I should concentrate more on my grammar.
    12. mastersync23
      Brink looks pretty cool, and I'm thinking of getting RAGE, too. I googled Warsoup, as well. I can't believe I've never heard of it :O Looks like Mass Effect, in a way.

      By the way, you don't have a PS3, do you? If you do, have you got LBP 2? Great game, Peg. Great game.
      Halo Rant:
      [spoiler]I had really high hopes for Reach, but I think the new things that Bungie tried didn't really work (in my opinion). I was hoping for a Halo 3.5, and what I got was a poor excuse for a Halo game. It just isn't fun to play, really. Boring maps, repetitive gameplay and predictable scenarios just kill any chance of Reach being fun for me. To me, the Halo games were always about the random fun you could have in huge maps like Sandtrap or Avalanche, just playing casually, you could still have fun and win a game.[/spoiler]
    13. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      ****ing looooool
    14. mastersync23
      Hey, good to hear about you finishing uni :D You graduated, right? May seem a silly question, but I know a few people who just left uni without graduating.

      And yeah, I'm good. My sister was married during the summer holidays, and I was the ring-bearer, so that was pretty cool. But apart from going up to the coast to attend the wedding, I haven't been up to much.

      I stopped playing Reach :O I don't really find it that fun, to be honest. I'll probably buy the new maps, just to see if it's the current lot of maps that makes the gameplay unbearable for me, and I'm hoping that the title update will fix up some **** that needs fixing. But judging from your sig, you're not having too much trouble with Reach, eh?
    15. RightSideTheory
    16. RightSideTheory
    17. mastersync23
      Sup, Peggleton. I seem to pop in and out, don't I? :P

      Just wondering how stuff is going for you. Still playing Halo? Still going to Uni?
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      Oh I agree.

      The DMR is great but it's too easy to use compared to the BR (at least in personal experience, many more people can kill quickly with it compared to when I played in Halo 3). Armor Lock slows gameplay to a campfest standstill. Etc etc.

      As for clips, I'm really bad about rendering stuff lol. Interestingly enough, the last clip I actually rendered (but have yet to upload) was on asylum, as is the game I would upload from yesterday if I were planning to.
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      I stopped playing Halo (competitively) for like a month.

      First day back, bad-to-mediocre.
      Second day back. mediocre-to-average.
      Third day back. average.

      I love halo.
    20. Ladnil
      Yes, you are.

      Place it in the air on fixed physics. Release it. Without grabbing it, press X and set it to normal physics. Start a new round to make sure it falls exactly where you want it.
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