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Jun 12, 2023 at 7:17 PM
May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

Senior Member
Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. Zanitor
      hmmm, I was looking for a new laptop, that sounds like a good one, I will look some about it. I thought about maybe get another alienware, but they ****ing Overheat all the time.
    2. Zanitor
      hmmm, I was looking for a new laptop, that sounds like a good one, I will look some about it. I thought about maybe get another alienware, but they ****ing Overheat all the time.
    3. Tex
      Wait, what? Sarge. . . No chicken . . . That means . . . NO CHICKEN NOODLE?!

      Chicken noodle's like crack, he's retarded.

      But ya, I'm actually going now. I'll talk to ya later.
    4. Zanitor
      I had an Acer laptop, it overheated real band, and the mouse touch pad broke, and I got very sadface.
    5. Tex
      Man, I've just been trying to find a job, which, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm going to have to leave, soon, to do just that.

      I do have a bit of time to catch up though, as I'm eating chicken noodle. ;D

      What you been up to?
    6. Tex
      Holy **** that thread is giving me a headache.
    7. Tex
    8. Zanitor
      Actually, i would love a Mac, but too expensive, I like Window XP for a lot of things, Ubuntu is confusing until you get used to it, it is okay, but meh. XP tends to do better for me, Ubuntu is used if into programming, and it being open source is good, and rarely get viruses at all.
    9. Zanitor
      So i herd you liek macs? :P
      Mly Ubuntu dual booted with Windows Xp is MLG PRO! :P
    10. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Hey man, I seen the FNF invite you sent to iraynne, and if he can not make it, I would be happy to join.
      I had a 50 but sold it and am now a 46 with only 200 experience.
      I am very decent at halo
    11. iRaynne
      Sounds good, I gotta roll too, we'll catch up tomorrow dude
    12. SargeantSarcasm
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      funny how things seem to coincide with random chats...

      and LOL...I'd so sue your ass if I were him.
    14. iRaynne
      That's how I do it!
      If someone betrays me to get hold of the sniper, its an automatic 1v1 challenge. Its just natural. Then it usually ends up with me winning, so I get the final laugh. If I don't win... I go cry to my mom and ask her why I'm not MLG Pro0o0o enough. (:D)

      Yeah I feel that some people just live to be insulting on MM. Whatever though, you're not gonna find 300,000 dancing-in-the-blossom people all on one game.

      That explains why you haven't been on Pegasi Delta for a while! I checked the other night and it said you haven't been on since 4/20. That clears some stuff up! I thought you almost retired form Halo. Not that retiring from Halo is sane.

      In around 3 weeks, I won't have my Xbox for a couple of weeks because of my major final exams, so I just hope the FNF is before that! It'd hate to miss that.
    15. iRaynne
      Sounds good.
      I just got word from Xanon that it won't be this Friday or the next.
      I also heard that Shad0w Viper will be on the staff side.
      The suspense is building already :P
    16. iRaynne
      Scratch that, ItZ HaZicK (<----MLG pr0o0o0o name :P) doesn't run out till July. I think your on my friend's list on that account so it should be good. Maybe we should run by some FFA's or a little matchmaking during the week if we're all together at one time. We'll see. :)
    17. iRaynne
      Oh, I almost forgot to say: thanks for the invitation! It's gonna be one hell of a party!
      And sorry about the name change again; thought it would be more logical to put it as the gamertag for my main forging account :)
      Any ideas on what staff we're facing?
    18. iRaynne
      I'm completely down for that!
      What time Eastern would it start/end? I (sadly) have a trip I need to go on to a relative's which requires me to make up at 5 in the morning, so I can probably game until about 10:00 EST.

      If that conflicts with the original plans I'd be happy to watch from the sidelines though! If not, I'll start practicin' all week! :P

      *sigh* I ran out of Gold on my 50, I guess I'll have to play with my embarrassing little 39 mess-around account :P
    19. mastersync23
      Hey dude, you wanna do LIVE or something? Skype?
    20. mastersync23
      I am original, aren't I?

      Feel free to mock this comment.
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    London, UK
    Oh Globbits