Nobody Worthy
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Jul 18, 2013 at 11:27 PM
Jun 22, 2008
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Apr 18, 1989 (Age: 35)
God's waiting room

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Nobody Worthy

Ancient, from God's waiting room

Senior Member
Nobody Worthy was last seen:
Jul 18, 2013
    1. X5
      Hey, do you need me to give you the updated map and gametype of mine and chrsts? The warthog problems are now fixed (or so I hope).
    2. DeathToll77
      lol I never meant it to be about me but, alright.
    3. DeathToll77
      You forgot to name you TGIF the TGIF were we talk bout practice.............*sad faice* lol
    4. Kidbomber
      thought of the "Else". Ill through your 360(with you) into a time machine and you'll spiral back in time 14 hours to see your replying to the message and you panic and touch your past self on the shoulder, creating a back hole in the time continuum, and sucking you in and in such black hole which will bend time and your thrown back into time again repeating everthing for eternity. That good enough?
    5. camel assassyn
    6. camel assassyn
      camel assassyn
      hay dude lets play halo later maybe i'll be on at 10 eastern
    7. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      I haz red rings. Be back on as soon as I can.
    8. Kidbomber
      still working on that. ;D
    9. Kidbomber
      *pulls a gun out of backpocket* give me your green or else
    10. chrstphrbrnnn
    11. chrstphrbrnnn
    12. thesilencebroken
      you can HAVE the screenshot duty. i was merely offering :D

      and i too prefer red base. they are identical.. just mirrored. red base just feels better to me. I think it'll be fun, cause theres a line of site from flag to flag, but the rest of the base has cut offs. so you can snipe someone if they try and sit on the flag with a shotgun.
    13. chrstphrbrnnn
      lmao and silence can fight over the right to my screenshots, though I guess you can take them in your party lol..
    14. thesilencebroken
      might i remind you that the map is symmetrical....

    15. thesilencebroken
      oh. well then. congratulations. you've now seen red base. :D
    16. thesilencebroken
      you havent seen that part of the map actually, so you DONT know what it makes. :D
    17. chrstphrbrnnn
      Thats if we get our super cool way to do up the post and the video done. We might have to resort to a subpar video made by someone else (zach offered to cap it), either that or I'll go buy a card and cap it..though it would probably be bad. Sweeny wants to cap it cuz he's good with vid ****.
    18. chrstphrbrnnn
      Haha well thanks, it's pretty much ready to hand over than, and it'll hopefully be posted this coming weekend.
    19. chrstphrbrnnn
      You mean in regards to your campable tele? Yeah we could do that, though I'm not sure how much it'll help.

      My largest worry at this point is things don't work out if people play like typical infection noobs.
    20. chrstphrbrnnn
      Okay, well thats good. We have the warthog under control, so you don't have to tell people not to go out. And I noticed a few people breaking out, you don't think it's a problem do you? We honestly don't care, zombies can if they want...but it's rather pointless for them, humans can't really get out.

      The boss feels a bit strong, we might work on toning him down, hard to say. I wanna get it posted, but sweeny needs to get on that power cord for the cap card. We have everything basically done.
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    Apr 18, 1989 (Age: 35)
    God's waiting room
    Vorpal Saint


    Crimson | Dockside | Brymstone