Nobody Worthy
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Jul 18, 2013 at 11:27 PM
Jun 22, 2008
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Apr 18, 1989 (Age: 35)
God's waiting room

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Nobody Worthy

Ancient, from God's waiting room

Senior Member
Nobody Worthy was last seen:
Jul 18, 2013
    1. thesilencebroken
      i will be on tomorrow afternoon. if its fairly simple, ill do it up. i hate doin em though. lol

      id be finishing blaze's and i's new map, but the copy i have wont let me make a single material/weapon... im confused. so i have to wait until blaze is on again :(
    2. ScarFac3d
      Don Worry Saint, It's Gon B K.
    3. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      I have posted my submission for the contest and it is here.
    4. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      well, i should have caught on to the repetition, you kept coming through the ground level door, and wed have an AR fight, or wed beat down each other, and i easily could have got you weakend by a grenade as you came in, but i dont learn fast. why didnt either of out team just go up the man launch?! oh yea, and 58 of your 77 kills ratio was on me, is not at all impressive on my part. I REGRET NOTHING!!
    5. thesilencebroken
      haha, i woke up and just couldnt help it.

      thank you for the best post ever given on any of my maps.
    6. xSharpshooter94
      silences map is breakable buddy i just did it
    7. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      its good for flowing, and it definetly works with CTF, how you can see them capturing your flag, and your entire team crouds in that little corner to try and BR them before they score(at least thats what i did) =P i remember the 1 hour sword fight, and how rocket FFA were somehow balanced, and the 8 hour stand off on that one little territory. that was legendary. oh, yea, i remember you killing me 77 times, too.
    8. thesilencebroken
      haha, well, im not much better at it. :( at least the spawning isnt horrible this time around. lol
    9. thesilencebroken
      i considered spikers, but i needed some form of plasma weapon on the map to balance it out. plus is makes a sexy duo with the smg :D

      ill include plenty of spikers on my next map. promise ;)
    10. thesilencebroken
      ah. well, you didnt do anything wrong, so its cool. shes tryin to get better. we all had to start somewhere. i too am not that great lol.

      anyways, i know we were pretty evenly matched teams, but you have to admit we were raped several times :D

      i appreciate all the help testing though, really made life easier for me. Any final added on thoughts before i get ready to call it published?
    11. thesilencebroken
      she said one of her team mates kept saying she sucked. i assumed she meant you, as you were constantly with her. my apologies if you didnt.
    12. thesilencebroken
      thanks for the help, but next time, please be nicer to Ourfateends. Shes a close friend of mine in the real world and you guys made her feel kinda bad.
    13. thesilencebroken
      im gonna get on it.
      my drummer and i stayed up from midnight till 8:30 am playing matchmaking for some unknown reason.

      i havent stayed up that late in years. it was dumb since we have practice today. lol
    14. thesilencebroken
      yeah. i was pretty shocked you pulled that off... but, i dont know as if i care enough to ruin the maps look with more junkyard puzzle pieces to build up. im running on E with materials as it is, and i hit item limit a few times.
    15. thesilencebroken
      haha... aw.... i thought i covered it all already :(

      ill watch it tonight and fix up the spawning. if you find anything else, let me know.

      probably tomorrow or thursday we'll do actual testing.
    16. thesilencebroken
      haha, if i can gather people together.
    17. thesilencebroken
      you'll get in on one or so. ill be testing frequently. :D
    18. thesilencebroken
      why are you missing testing? i havent started yet? lol
    19. thesilencebroken
      sounds like a plan. now go to sleep?
    20. thesilencebroken
      fair enough :D

      i was just actually wishing i had kept this map more of a secret anyways. like... everyone knows a ton about it already :(
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    Apr 18, 1989 (Age: 35)
    God's waiting room
    Vorpal Saint


    Crimson | Dockside | Brymstone