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Nov 7, 2014 at 5:37 PM
Dec 21, 2007
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Apr 9, 1993 (Age: 31)
Honolulu, Hawaii

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Ancient, from Honolulu, Hawaii

Senior Member
Nemihara was last seen:
Nov 7, 2014
    1. M.Jelleh
      wat have you been doing lately? school?
    2. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Hmm? Oh, I didn't mean Hawaii. I have a friend that lives in Florida. I don't know why I said that.
    3. TheMisterHat
      Are you a girl
    4. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      GASP! I running out of room on my profile page!

      Yea, my school is online. I still have to put up with my mom's nonsense though.

      The only time I get to communicate with the community is if I use this laptop, or go to meetings arranged by local schools.

      I prefer macs now. I'll put up with any computer though, as long as I have the necessary programs.

      Well I best be going to sleep now. I'm glad I met someone like you, I can't find anyone who has the same level of intelligence as mine, or higher. I don't mean the snots that say they are smarter just because they know more, but rather someone who can figure things out with the current knowledge they have, and their senses.

      Good night. It's 2:30 here, and 3:30 there, so I believe I'm going to rest.
    5. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Ah, but that was interesting. This may scare you, but I'm exactly like so. That's how I was able to identify what kind of person you are. Then again, I can also identify anyone. I'm smart, but don't apply myself, and can find a solution to anything. I'm rather a good thief though, and I can always get myself out of a pinch. Tennis and soccer are my favorite sports because they go at a fast speed. I will do volleyball sometimes, but not my favorite sport. I use to follow a homeschooling program that was a year ahead of other schools, but then transfered to another. One where I can do game programming. Originally I wasn't supposed to be able to, but since I came from a higher school level I was allowed to take it. Also, if you thought your teachers are bad, try having your mother be one. A mother who does nothing but complain about something if it's not perfect. I love puzzles, mysteries, and if possible, adventures. I can learn how to use anything in a matter of seconds, and find other uses for it.

      Is a girlfriend really that bad? I have a lot of girls that are friends, but I never knew that having one as a girlfriend is that troublesome. Maybe you just picked the wrong type. Actually, you did pick the wrong type. How could you, you *******.

      About your friend, be glad you have him as one. He may be a bragger, but he's your friend none the less. Unless your being blackmailed. I'm sure you already know that though. Judging by your actions, you probably do know. Yes, I'll place my bets there.

      I've met people from different countries, just never all at once. What's it like in a private school? Do you live with your parents, or in an apartment set up by the school? What are you studying now?
    6. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Really? That's scary. I guess she was kind of desperate. She wasn't thinking about you though, but was rather worried if something didn't happen she would get rejected or dumped. That's the way they think, I believe.

      I'm against it because I'm only fifteen, and I'm always getting pissed off at people who think they are more mature if they talk about it. It's pathetic. Now I have people calling either a girl or an alien.

      But that's besides the point. You should try again with someone else, date them and stuff. Not everyone out there is like that, and if they bug you about it you should lay down the line.

      I can tell you're smarter than I imagined. I didn't think I would be on a site with someone as smart as you. I bet your athletic, smart, and not one of those popular people. Correct me if I'm wrong.
    7. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      After being attacked by Domi, I believe if we are to continue this conversation we should do so in private messaging.
    8. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Welcome aboard, we're everyone thinks there's something wrong with you.
      I've wanted a girlfriend all my life, and having one with great personality. I'm not the kind of person who seeks girls for pleasure, in fact, I'm against it. I want people to be people, not toys this human species thinks of. I always wanted a girlfriend because I'm always so lonely. I originally wanted to have a twin, but seeing it impossible I wanted to make friends with girls. I'm not the luckiest guy on the planet though.
    9. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D

      I actually pressed F5 like five times while I saw you making a social group. I want in you ass.
    10. yomtvraps
      This is like my fourth time offerring him assistance, but I see he's actually beginning his turn around.

      More like second, if that. it's also the first time I've been unwarned during that time period.
    11. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D

      Is this battle of the animes? I'm too lazy to check.
    12. Linubidix
      lol, that's rite bish. I win.
    13. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      You son of an acorn tree. I'm not an indecent creature that can't make girlfriends. Not to mention making friends with an anime character isn't really different.

      I said that because the way you were defending her gave me that image.

      Oh yea, you just called your precious Haruhi gross. Way to go brick house.
    14. Frag Man
      Frag Man
    15. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Oh it's on pal, it is ooon...
      Baka! Haruhi may be cool, but knowing her she'd probably dump you in the first five minutes.
    16. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Do you even know who Miu is? No, I'm not jealous. I know she's misunderstood, she is still too outgoing, and would provide an annoyance to me. And which she is to me. Miu is not annoying.
    17. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      No, she's a stalker. She's definitely not better than everything. I would have to say Miu is the best. So shut-up loser.
    18. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Hitler Kitty get boring? And are you ignoring me, it's kind of obvious.
    19. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      Oh, and Dq was banned as a build up of spam infractions
    20. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      Yeah, I know, dun worry in the staff thread I told them that you showed it to me earlier, and know how to make it work.
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  • About

    Apr 9, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Honolulu, Hawaii


