Murdock Sampson
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Jun 29, 2009 at 6:52 PM
Jun 26, 2008
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June 7
I sit and do nothing. All days

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Murdock Sampson

Ancient, from Nearby

Senior Member
Murdock Sampson was last seen:
Jun 29, 2009
    1. xxAl Capwnagexx
      xxAl Capwnagexx
      haha, your welcome. The one that is getting all the votes (knight kninja) looks like the basic add. Yeah it looks cool, but did he do anything to it?
    2. KB
      i think you will... if you get offered will you turn it down
    3. KB
      dude i swear you'll be next loyal
    4. RadiantRain
      Ok, I'll delete my post... Or something.
    5. Teerav11
      I need Testers for my map on tues the 18th at 1:00P.M. EST reply to the thread in map testing so i know your coming
    6. Obibital
      dude youve got to see this
      look for this in the fourms vertebraille
    7. Jpec07
      I believe you were in the room for a moment while testing my map, but it's not letting me give you more +rep. >_<
    8. Pegasi
      Its unfortunately true that some people don't listen and reflex-rep anything over 10 words, but I really appreciate your sentiments, and hope there is some move towards taking rep more seriously.
    9. Tex
    10. EGP
      Holy crap you have almost 700 posts and 4 bars of rep and you jus joined lol
    11. Pegasi
      I dunno tbh, it seems to differ from person to person. Since the rep whoring thing came to a head and infractions started being given, I've received rep much more seldom than before. But others seem to be still getting it real fast, and the top of the rep board does kinda read like a popularity contest in parts (some people who are there do deserve it).

      It does seem a little weird, and its not the perfect situation, but I think the ability to disable rep really has solved the major problem for me. Since the rep system had no real impact outside of itself apart from people judging you based on a red bar, being able to turn it off takes away its potency. The rep system can truly be ignored now if you don't like it, and whilst its not perfect, I think this is the best we can hope for in an internet community.

      EDIT:Sorry, just realised that this is pretty post-esque, I'll copy it into the thread since it makes sense that it be there anyway.
    12. DrawingMan
      Well send us an invite or something when we happen to be on.
    13. DrawingMan
      really? huh, that just gave me an idea....

      And that is toochie. Im trying to win the best avatar contest. thought id use my womans sexyness to win :D
    14. DrawingMan
      Thats what she said :D (reference to the been too long part)


      but it has.
    15. Pegasi
      Thanks for the kind words man. I've noticed your posts more and more around the forums, and they're always detailed, mature and well rounded. Keep it up, stuff like that does not go unnoticed.
    16. version2
      hey here'z your Avatar[IMG]
    17. drak
      check back on the computer tech thing i have my first thing up!
    18. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      thanks i saw that once i posted my thread.. lol il fix it. and thanks
    19. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      I made the first one a few days ago, and since then, all the people that asked me a question went off and made their own lol
    20. TiiRent
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  • About

    June 7
    I sit and do nothing. All days
    Murdock Sampson
    I live in the Northwest of America, and I love to Halo with my friends and people in general.

    Forge, Friends... and... Food?


    Stupid Quotes