Mr Pokephile
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Mar 9, 2019 at 1:31 PM
Jan 14, 2008
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May 9, 1993 (Age: 31)
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Mr Pokephile

Forge Labs, from Ontario,Canada

Forge Critic Senior Member
Mr Pokephile was last seen:
Mar 9, 2019
    1. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      Quote - It could have definitely been a bit better. It's a different kind of map I guess. I really liked the geo-merging, but geo-merging isn't everything.

      Can you specify why?

      Yes I can. Uhh where to start. I found that most of the game play was centered around where the mongoose spawns because there is two rocket launchers there, which defeats the purpose of having the map so open. I must admit having one rocket launcher usually is more than enough, but two in the same area really didn't help the situation. The ghost you had placed on the other side really always tended to come out of no where and splatter us. Ghosts are generally a bit more deadly, because you can shoot, or boost. It was very frustrating that there wasn't a rocket launcher near the ghost because I could never actually destroy it. That's some of my major complaints. I really didn't have a problem with it otherwise. Please don't think I mean to offend you. This map has potential.
    2. Blaze
      Ohh hi. How are you doing?
    4. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      You make the boys jelous :O

      V /sarcasm
    5. Linubidix
      You bish, now I have another map I feel obliged to post on.
    6. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Okay, I have everything working on my xbox connection, I can go on now. I would have been on today but I had to much Math HW to do.

      High Voltage has all of its previous problems fixed. You won't be dissapointed!

      SWEET, your event staff now!
    7. Jpec07
      No problem. ^_^
    8. Jpec07
      Response: At first glance, the signature seems very basic. You say you're new to Photoshop, and so I imagine because of that, you're not going to try at anything that's over your head. What I really like about it is the fact that, despite your newbity to the program, you didn't do what most newbies do and filter ***** the heck out of the background. In fact, if I had to guess, I'd say that you had at least a year's experience with the program, because I can't exactly figure out what you did to get that effect. It's a very cleanly-constructed graphic, and holds good balance, countering the character on the right with the words and distortion/clouds on the left. There's also the pattern you've got going in the background, and the really subtle border created where that pattern doesn't exist. Even the font and effects to it are appropriate for what the banner is.

      My only real criticisms against the graphic are that there isn't any border on the image where the character meets the edge, so it looks rather undefined. There's also the issue of that the word "F1R3" is really hard to see (though I like the fact that there's the splash of red there).
      Rating: 3.5/5
    9. Camoflaug
      lol nice fake infraction
    10. JEEF
      heyyyyy reply to my pm
    11. Mace
      OOOMMMGGGGEEEE im bored
      whats whith like a total of 4 maps coming out in the last 4 days.....
    12. Jpec07
      'tis not a problem at all. I just find it funny how I write a few critiques and all of the sudden I have gained four reputation pips. ^_^

      You're talking about the Underbog one, yes?

      ...oh, nevermind, I didn't see it there. I'll probably get to it tonight, as I've got class in two minutes and have to get going.
    13. CaMOfo
      Wait, what money? Wha'chu talkin bout Willis?!
    14. Penguinish
      LOL it was just a fun joke, i know, you should see my cousins eyebrows, they are worse than uegene levy!
    15. Black C4t
      Black C4t
      Im not gonna be able to make my map into your contest.. Theres extremely hard work to do and... Il need a full week or two for its testing and weapon/spawn placement... Not to mention the corrections il have to fix... So id rather work on a Mini game map ... So i have a more positive chance at a feature if its built properly... You should check out my work sometime Bl00d
    16. JEEF
      hey im sending you a paint idea of my new map after epoch
    17. A SouthPark Kid
    18. JEEF
    19. JEEF
    20. drak
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    May 9, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Home Page:
    Mr Pokephile
    aDamnCivilian sucks


    Forge Labs
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