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Feb 1, 2008
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Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
North East uk

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Ancient, from North East uk

Senior Member
Matty was last seen:
Sep 1, 2013
    1. ScarFac3d
    2. ScarFac3d
      I was asking permission to post it, not for you to. I wanted to make sure I wasn't breaking any rules, such as map advertising, by doing so.
    3. ScarFac3d
      Lol, why do you hate me so much?
    4. ScarFac3d
      Would you mind if I posted something like that here?
    5. ScarFac3d
      No, its bungie's website.
    6. ScarFac3d
      I got blacklisted for asking people to help me choose a song/help work on my montage. I said "I am currently working on a montage for two of my maps and I have no clue what song I should use. Please if you would like to suggest a song, give the name, the author, and perhaps a link to the song. I like all variations of rock, some classical, and not alot of rap, expecially new rap songs. Oh and yes, the reward! The reward is you will have your name included in the video, as well as access to my future maps before the general public!
      Songs I think would be good:
      Down and Out
      Heaven is a Halfpipe
      Driving with the top down
      The only
      If you would like to help with the montage, pleas read this:
      Using either one of my two Skate Park maps, please get some really good footage of you doing a trick, or a run, etc. If you would rather join a party with me and do the tricks together that is also fine, just PM me your Gamertag, when you are usually on, etc.
      Two examples of what would be good. Please note that although these videos use brute shots, you can do whatever you want, add mancannons, use weapons, etc.
      Video 1 and Video 2.
      This although funny, is not what I am looking for.
      Link to maps:

      Skate Park 1 and Skate Park 2
      Here is another good example of what would be excepted. This was made by me and a friend, happened completely randomly, but is amazing! I have yet to upload this to Gamevee, but when I will I will provide that link.
      I was asked "Since it is a contest, is there a prize?", and yes, technically, there is. The prize is that your video, and your gamertag will be included in the montage, the montage is edited my a professional machinima maker/actor.
      You can view the makings of this person (Ragegummy) here.
      Updates:Skate Park 1 almost has 5000 downloads! This is urgent, I have recently gotten the RROD now I need all of youre help to finish getting footage, if you would please just get some and then send it to me, I could get my friend to upload it."

      Its stupid, they didn't even tell me why I got blacklisted, I just did.
    7. ScarFac3d
    8. ScarFac3d
      Lol, I was banned from the Halo 3 forum on for asking for help with my montage.
    9. QKT
      kinda bbc radio 1 -esque yeh?
    10. QKT
      a little preview of the page format: dunno whats up with the gradient, but ill sort it out soon enough
    11. LIGHTSOUT225
      check the journo section
    12. LIGHTSOUT225
      lol so is that a yes or a no?
    13. LIGHTSOUT225
      been a day and a half since last front-pager, cool if i post a mapzor? check schedule thread
    14. QKT
      matty, cos ur head or journalists....i wanna tell u that im gonna write some game reviews soon ;D take heed pls
      oh yer i think we should make the 2 hour marathon official
    15. Roche178
      lololololol :D
    16. Roche178
    17. ScarFac3d
      Little Big Planet
    18. ScarFac3d
      Cool, if you ever get a PS3, I highly reccomend getting LBP, it makes me horny on so many levels, kind of like you do.
    19. ScarFac3d
      Lol, so, how have you been doing? I got analyl pwned by Microsoft (Aka: Got the RROD) so I have been playing LBP on PS3. As well as the Mirrors Edge demo, it pwns!
    20. ScarFac3d
      I know you are, but what am I?
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  • About

    Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
    North East uk
