all im saying being in charge need a level headed person. You the opposite of such a person. You know this stop talking out you ass please.
I'll probably get on Skype when I get back from dinner with my girlfriend (all my Halo Wars LE money :(. Guess it's a nice valentines though), i'll just message you there if your online.
Sorry, I have to run. I have a few things to ask you about (mainly MLG specifics), but hopefully I can catch you saturday night or sunday. I have off all week, so I can also talk to you earlier in the day this week.
Well, I'ts combining my two favorite things to do, graphics, and gaming, so i would be willing to put a lot of work into this. I'm pretty good at digging up screenshots, and sorting out the good from the bad. This sounds like a lot of fun, and would I love to help.
Just a coincidence but you were in this video. YouTube - Robba :: Halo 3 Montage 1 - 100% MLG! At about @:40 it says "You killed Kondense", and I was like, whoa.
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I heard you were looking for a GB teammate. I found the perfect player, check out his MLG Pro Montage. SOOPER EP1C M0NT4GE!!! /sarcasm
Hey , wassup man. Thought you might be interested in this contest? ..