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Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
North East uk

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Ancient, from North East uk

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Matty was last seen:
Sep 1, 2013
    1. PacMonster1
      PacMonster1's just a design pattern game developers usually follow.

      The idea being when players start out the game should be easier to let them learn the ropes so to speak. Having different difficulty levels is not a substitute for progression. The difficulty levels are just a scaler. They scale the difficulty but the beginning is still easier than the end. That is what "flow" is all about.

      The end of the game or in an RPGs case when you are at much higher levels the intent is you know a lot more and have a lot more abilities at your disposal so the game should be tougher. From a game design perspective is the game were to get easier at that point the player would become complacent and no longer challenged, therefore wouldn't have fun anymore.

      There are always exceptions but I'd say most game developers follow this game design template for level progression.
    2. PacMonster1
      It's essentially a graph that has to do with learning implied to game play. The longer the player plays the tougher the game is supposed to get.

      I'm sorry but the best way to explain it is to look at one of the sources. Here's a good one that has 3 nice graphs that demonstrate.

      Welcome to Flow in Games
    3. PacMonster1
      regardless of your feelings toward the word I used it in context of game design
    4. Stevo
      onboard graphics processing means it diverts some of the CPU power to help process the graphics load on the motherboard. So, you'd connect the monitor to the VGA slot that will be on the motherboard backplate.

      I can't really recall the difference.. I believe H67 was the board that had onboard GPU support, where as P67 didn't. I'll have to look it up again.
    5. Stevo
      Nah, space isn't free roam. Once you acquire your personal ship for traversing the galaxy (At around level 16) you enter the ship hangar on whichever planet you're on and head into the bridge of the ship and plot a course on the ship map. You can select space battle's from the ship map as well.

      So yeah, you can walk around inside your ship, but you enter it as a newly loaded area.

      Coruscant is ****ing huge. You can train to sprint (I know) at level 14, by speaking to a trainer for your class and once you can sprint it makes travelling a little quicker (30% boost or something) and then at level 25 you can buy a speeder license and speeder.

      Basically, it's really good if you like levelling games and Star Wars. It's not particularly limiting gameplay, I've been playing for nearly 50 hours and I have a character at level 16 and another character at level 23. As far as i'm aware, you can have any number of characters, on any number of servers :)
    6. Stevo
      I "acquired" Skyrim for free to test it out. It was ok... but I just didn't get into it all that well. The Storylines etc... sort of bored me a little rather than intrigued me. SW:TOR though, that's another thing altogether. I've played it nearly 12 hours a day since I've downloaded it. I have an unhealthy addiction to the damn game!! D:
    7. Stevo
      Me neither! This is the first MMO I've played. It's pretty damn awesome, except you have to pay for a subscription :(
      I really wanted to try and find a trial for it, but I dont think there are any anywhere. You'd just have to buy it to get your opinion on it really.. Just cram in as many hours as you can in your first 30 days so you get most use out of it, then if you don't want to carry on playing it or you're bored, just cancel the subscription :)
    8. Stevo
      Not gonna lie... I started reading that and thought... **** that. It's A) Christmas and B) I'm ****ing well hungover.

      So, yeah.. go for it :D
    9. TexturedSun
      hahahaha... that is immense.
    10. Stevo
      Look at the cable end you have and the type it is depends on the pin configurations at the end with a line. One has a cross, one has a cross and four pins in each corner and another has a flat line with four pins either side of it (i think by memory). I believe DVI-I is the most common.

      this should help you a bit :)
    11. Stevo
      Yep, but you're going to have to search for like a really flat headed DVI cable.
      and make sure you get the right DVI type, there's DVI-I, DVI-D and DVI-H (I think, not sure on the last one...)
    12. Stevo
      why don't you move the graphics card down a slot so it has more room? xD
      Also.. that's DVI just so you know ;)
    13. Indie Anthias
      Indie Anthias
      the only thing in school that really held my attention was anthropology, so now I'm trying to do a masters in it. It's evolutionary anth. so it's mostly biology-related but not all of it. nice town, interesting country... You never really know what a place is like from just media.
    14. Stevo
      1 port to two screens means the same image on two screens.. you can't split it as the gfx card won't be able to recognise resolutions or anything.

      how come you're using vga anyway? :S
    15. Titmar
      hold V to snap to a vert, hold X to snap to grid points.

      i'd have to see the file to figure out the edge thing.

      what are you doing there, using create poly?
    16. DRiSCOLL
      appologies, I need to reply more often. How is it going? its been awhile, since I bought a car I've been up to my head in stuff. Catch up is needed!
    17. Xun
      Processor is (quad) Core i7 2630QM, 6GB Ram, and I think my max res is 1600x900. Really, the only component that could be considered to be letting me down is the GFX card. Does everything else alright, but as you said, there may be patches that allow me to play it reasonably well on my card anyway, so I might just get it on Xbox now, then get it on PC later when the price drops and once all the proper patches are released.

      And the mods too, of course. That's the main reason why I'm so enticed to get it for PC, as I didn't have a good enough PC to run Oblivion before, but heard the mod community was awesome.
    18. TexturedSun
      Blood Rave - Blade 1 Sound Track -HQ- - YouTube

    19. Xun
      A GeForce GT 540M. I'm pretty sure it's not going to be able to handle it, but I'll wait out and see. Can't swap it out anyway, as I've got a laptop.
    20. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy fapday!
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    Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
    North East uk
