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Dec 29, 2015 at 1:37 AM
Jun 26, 2008
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Old Tyme, from Nashville

Senior Member
Mace was last seen:
Dec 29, 2015
    1. Gunnergrunt
      Thanks for the sig mace! I'll try and find a better stock next time
      You know just about as much as I do... I talked to him yesterday on Live and he say's he hasn't been doing much. Yesterday was the first time I saw him online in like a week. He told me that if he disappeared from FH for awhile then his Infractions will get removed but I don't really believe that.

      By the way... You wouldn't mind if I ask for a Sig, do you? If your busy or anything then that's fine. I usually ask one from Frag Man but since he's been going into hiding and all it doesn't look like he is going to make one for me.
    3. Juggernaut
      Wow, uh sure... I'll do it when I get the time.
    4. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Its a 48 I believe right now but I have a team and as soon as 2 of them get back from vacation I plan on getting it to a 50 cause I luvz meh sum Snippurz!

      Why do you ask?
    5. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Alright but I can't tell when someone is joking or being serious without facial emotions. Hope you aren't to mad at me. I got pissed at Phreakie and I flamed everyone in the thread.

    6. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      *Sorry about the "taking you seriously" that was for American Psyco.

      My point is this. I do not suck at Halo and if someone is better than me, I have a life and I don't care. I did not buy my 50. I ate people who say I did and I don't mess with them. TS- fair and square. Valentines day- 18 straigt wins. And about to be snipers- fair and square.

      If you say I bought my 50 you are wrong. And I am tired of bitching from you and American Psyco about it. And although I am pretty bad at 1 vs 1, I am good with strategies and working with my team. But I am practicing 1 vs 1 on the tournement maps, and I plan on being a noob to get my victories lol
    7. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      You think you know what you're talking about but you don't. As much as I hate to admit it, because I used to love FH, it is now a fansite rather than a cummunity. FH's old great members that were awsome and gave life to FH are now on xforgery. Now that AZN is gone, this is xforgery's chance to win back those members. They have no groups on this site.
      All thats going on right now is the 1 vs 1. That doesn't involve the cummunity except that they play on maps from higher ranks. What ever happened to FH being a forging website???
      Have the mods don't evan play Halo anymore!!! Don't reply and if you do I'm not going to read it.
    8. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      No it doesn't. Below, I said you were wrong and I gave a reason why. That gave me a reason to call you an idiot. I have no reason to try and have perfect spelling because I don't care about what you think.
      And what the hell do you think you mean by "take me seriously?" Listen. My skills lie in Team Work, not BRing. That is why I have a general. Same as everyone else. I have nothing to prove to you and you are keeping this going for no reason.
      You know, I have a freaking life and I don't live to accuse people of stealing accounts on Halo 3. I do thigs in REAL LIFE. I am on the Varsity as a freshman as the starting 2nd baseman. i am also an honors student that it studying to goto Princeton. Plus a GF, but being that I don't know you're GF, I am not going to describe her.
    9. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      You're an idiot because xforgery doesn't have staff. Don't try and talk trash when you don't know what you're talking about.
    10. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      Maybe, I must warn you though that my sniper skills have been decreasing quite a bit.
    11. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      Somewhere between 42 - 46, why?
    12. AceOfSpades
    13. jameslieb1
      Siggy Request:

      Background: HERE
      Border: Silver Metallic
      Text: My name, on the left side of Master Chief's head.
      Font/Color/Texture: Whatever you see fits, surprise me!

      Send me the sig by pm. Thanks so much! I will credit you!
    14. Deagballs
      hey, im justin. so we're suppose to be 1V1 eh? sweet. whens this compitition get started? i added you, but i dont see you on my friends list no more.
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      tis my comic.
      philosophical stuff.
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      indeed...i r lacken teh motivation tho
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      about to start writing...
    18. SargeantSarcasm
    19. H3C x Nevz
      H3C x Nevz
      ...Cool? Where is this coming from?
    20. H3C x Nevz
      H3C x Nevz
      33. (5 char limit)
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