Last Activity:
Feb 4, 2012 at 9:23 PM
Apr 7, 2009
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Senior Member
loshon was last seen:
Feb 4, 2012
    1. T Cal
      T Cal
    2. T Cal
      T Cal
      ok im going to mess around with them a bit and see what i get . so far i have sharpened up the spartan and added a displace filter to the bg. ill post it up once i do a couple more things to it
    3. T Cal
      T Cal
      ok i was planing on adding some c4ds around the spartan and mayb some clipping masks if i can do them right(i have gimp so i have to do something else with it). i will also mess around with some filters. i want to do something like the lines in your take aim sig
    4. T Cal
      T Cal
    5. RaBBiiTTT
      I feed stupid now XD
      My bad :P

      I thought you were replying to me because you quoted my reply.
    6. RaBBiiTTT
      huh? :P

      I'm sorry if I offended you in a way, but it just frustrates me that he does not even bother to acknowledge what I said. Sure it's his decision on what his sigs are going to be, but I am just trying to help.
    7. Dow
      just curious, what is the difference between a stock and a render?
    8. Dow
      lol you have like 400 posts including G&A
    9. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      sweet sounds good
    10. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      oh wait.. you dont have to if you dont REQUIRE they use sigs from the stock pack, but most people will! lol ok
    11. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      oh and make sure you get permission from juggy and pigglez to use their stock pack
    12. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      haha sounds like a lot of fun. if you need anything lemme know, i just posted a thread on a tagwall
    13. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      need any help? are you making a contest? it seems like the G&A section actually is pretty active now..
    14. T Cal
      T Cal
      ok ill have something made in a day or two
    15. T Cal
      T Cal
      ok sounds good. idc how you teach me but i know the all the basics i just have a hard time applying them to my sigs and i dont always make good choices for like coloring and smudging and flow and text
    16. Pigglez
      Here: Signature Rotator

      Just enter a makeshift account thingy there, and then you just enter the URL's for each sig you want in the rotator, generate, and then put the link it will provide into your FH sig, and put img tags around that and bam.
    17. LOCK.xcf
      I might, i'm not a very good tutorial maker but i'll try
    18. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      oh sorry i didnt mean to do that at all..

      anyways yeah its november seventh.. maybe we could unveil the contest then if we planned it out.. maybe notify a mod for a possible recognition in the birthday announcement
    19. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      sounds good, but we can do it then. i think it would be a great promotional event
    20. T Cal
      T Cal
      yes i would love that. just let me know when you can help and ill work it in cause i have soccer practice and games and i prolly wont be able to get on till like 7pm est during the week
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