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Sep 12, 2019 at 6:41 AM
Jan 21, 2008
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May 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
South Australia

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Ancient, from South Australia

Senior Member
Linubidix was last seen:
Sep 12, 2019
    1. thesilencebroken
      i left you some videos in the proper forum.
    2. Blaze
      thanx. later.
    3. Blaze
      yup well its something were all just goin to have to look past till we understand why it happened.. anyway. im goin to head of and try to get some ZZZzzzzzs if not i may be back but im goin to try to force myself to either way. later man and thanx for talking. it acually left me in a bit of a betre mood b/c i felt like i released that from my mind a bit. take it easy man and ill ttyl.
    4. Blaze
      well lets see. my aunt died july 8th. the house burned sometime in november i believe. and my friend died just early this year. so pretty recint.

      its great to know tho that everywhere and anywhere i can find people like you that share the same feeling a bit or at least try to understand and care.
    5. Blaze
      ya. i mean i can deal with it but the thing is no1 should ever have to deal with this kinda stuff...
    6. Blaze
      i bearly spendtime on them haha. im just really fast.... but you prolly dont care to hear about my life but about a year ago my aunt killed herself and i was the 1 to find her hanging in her room. a few weeksafter that.. my girl friends house burned down b/c her moms boyfriend wanted to move and they couldnt sale the house..but we couldnt prove that he didit on purpose.. then a couple of mounths after tht 2 of my friends died in car acident. then my best friend brother in law also a good frind of mine was poisened and oded on some like unknown drug or some **** they couldnt tell to the poblic. and this all just happened to close to eachother. so thats why i think i cant sleep
    7. Blaze
      i donno i might.ill have to check that out. but i think its more just trauma and depression. i donno. i guess thats why they call me emo. :-P

      a fewthings happened over the lest likeyear and ever since those things i havent been able to sleep.
    8. Blaze
      ha whats that?
    9. Blaze
      ya pretty much.. i cant sleep tho... i think its just simily from depresion but i have a big problem sleeping... ill stay up for days and days. usually about 3 days then ill sleep 3 hours sometimes.. and then sometimes ill sleep for like 20 hours.. it sucksreally bad but im used to it.
    10. Blaze
      wishing i coul sleep.... and looking on this here hub of forge
    11. Linubidix
      Harold and kumar

    12. J A Y
      J A Y
      looks like its going to be movie forumz for me :p. I might watch the batman 1989. Or I might get that after school tomorrow so I can judge it for my english assignment
    13. Blaze
    14. J A Y
      J A Y
      ugh.. boredom
    15. Blaze
      oh i see.
    16. Reynbow
      Maybe on the 2nd next month, so in a couple days. If it works like I think it does.
      Matty went on an infraction spree on my ass 'cause I insulted him =P
    17. Blaze
      8 in the morning.
    18. Blaze
      me too :'( and im tired as hell but i cant sleep..
    19. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      I'm going to party like its 1999!
    20. J A Y
      J A Y
      here its the last post.. Its in his sig
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    May 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
    South Australia
