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5y 26w ago
Jan 21, 2008
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May 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
South Australia

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Ancient, from South Australia

Senior Member
Linubidix was last seen:
Sep 12, 2019
    1. J A Y
      J A Y
      Another thing I didn't like is how Commissioner. Gordon is a fat nothing.
    2. Tex
      quote=me:One of the greatest places in the world. =]

    3. Tex
    4. J A Y
      J A Y
      Yeah that line made up for the whole "batplane" thing.

      "Where does he get those wonderful toys?" Thats another great line. Jack Nicholson had more of a giggly laugh. Whereas Heath Ledger had a mocking laugh. He did do the occasional giggle. Hope you know what I mean when I say "Mocking"
    5. Tex
      One of the greatest places in the world. =]

      Only loyals & premiums & staff can go there
    6. J A Y
      J A Y
      I will say it again, they don't have the do the laugh! The laugh is the Jokers part. Steve Buscemi would be a follower, not *THE* Joker.

      I really liked the 89 batman until they brought out the "batplane". Terrible... just terrible, the rest of the movie was great. Jack Nicholson fitted the role of that Joker perfect and to be honest Michael Keaton was a pretty good batman (for the time).
    7. thesilencebroken
      i figured out aquatic centre [center!] :D
      i just could determine the height from something i didnt know. thatd be about 30 feet high, and that makes the story much worse.
    8. halo kid
    9. J A Y
      J A Y
      I didn't say the Joker. I said Someone who follows the Joker and is trying finishing off the job. He doesn't have to do the laugh. But I reckon more than half of the actors could do the laugh with some practice.
    10. thesilencebroken

      thats sick. plus i only understood half of that.

      Aquatic centre, Metres... etc. lol
    11. J A Y
      J A Y
      I reckon he could pull off a mini villain. Well like how you said a member of a group. Yes he is a comedy actor but have you seen him in final fantasy? He did a serious role there. Like I can imagine him being someone who follows the Jokers footsteps. Because I can see him being a okay Joker (better then most). It Doesn't have to be a huge part in the movie either.
    12. thesilencebroken
      SUCKS to be her. lol
      and yes, Jetty seems to be a term there, cause until you explained i had no idea what you were talking about.
    13. J A Y
      J A Y
      Could this guy be a possible actor for a batman villain? Because he can do a strange/mental/emotional/maybe psychotic guy..

      What do you think?
    14. thesilencebroken
      well, i can see why you'd be more afraid of them. they are a reality for you. for me, it'll be unlikely to ever see one in my lifetime unless its in an aquarium.
    15. thesilencebroken
      ive seen like.. lemon sharks. im too far from an ocean. never been to one. i have a lake right next to me, and its very close, minus the sharks.
    16. thesilencebroken
      i was the other way around. they excited me. i wasnt scared of many things. maybe the terminator. only when half his face is ripped off though.
    17. thesilencebroken
      aw damn, i woulda been in heaven. i loooooove jurassic park. when i was little, i knew like all the dinosaurs and like... everything about them. i was insane. i only got to see it on a normal screen :(
    18. thesilencebroken
      we have a few. ive never bothered with them until now.
    19. thesilencebroken
      damn, you're good. ill be working on my map, yes, but thats not what i was gonna say.

      ill be going to see TDK for the third time.

      only this time, its going to be on a 6 story IMAX screen. :D
    20. thesilencebroken
      guess what im doing today...