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Jan 9, 2020 at 1:19 PM
Dec 1, 2007
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Apr 3, 1988 (Age: 36)
Cleveland, TN
College Student, Husband

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Ancient, from Cleveland, TN

Senior Member
Lance001 was last seen:
Jan 9, 2020
    1. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      Happy Birthday!
    2. Roche178
      Happy birthday!
    3. RaBBiiTTT
      Happy Birthday man!
    4. chrstphrbrnnn
    5. Grif
      Your back!?!?
    6. xFr1ct10nx
      oh, no problem, it was down since like saturday night for everyone too.
    7. xFr1ct10nx
      Sadfaic, still check out the pics, i'd like some feedback if you can tell any from the pics. Sadfaic no exbockx :(

      whoops, nvm. lol thx for comment.
    8. xFr1ct10nx
      hey! idk if you still have your xbox, or xbl but, i just posted my newest map. it be awesome if you could check it out. thx :)

    9. SargeantSarcasm
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      isn't that against your religion?

    11. SargeantSarcasm
      yeah I know.

      I was like "woah, I've never seen that from Lance" but I understand.
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      PM your message to him. I don't want that thread to die in the midst of a conflagration.
    13. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Well said Lance.
    14. xFr1ct10nx
      im glad to hear that. dun worry, it gun b k :)
    15. Rated Dirty
      Rated Dirty
      Good luck with the rest of your life man. I feel you. Back in 06 in the summer one of my favorite cousins who was only 5 got hit by a car 4 feet from the curb of his house. The sad part is, he was crossing the street from his neighbors house to see his Daddy come home. That hit me hard, I respect you for posting your loss on FH.

      My Respects,

    16. xFr1ct10nx
      Wow, that sad. Im sorry for your loss. Your kinda like a very loose brother to me, you actually did help me alot in spanish, that little bit of studying with you actually helped me pass a major test. And now i feel really stupid since i just found out he died. Well at least hes in heaven now, a better place, no war, just peace amirite? You can always do what me, my brother and my mom and her side of the family did when my grandpa died, he was great and kool, but we found out he died and we had a funeral, but we didnt cry over it, we had a celebration of his "Acent into Heaven" and it was fun. i hope you r alright and dont mourn too much over his death. I am really sorry.
    17. Playerhata27
      Lance, I can't even express my condolences on your dads passing. I feel just terrible for you, and wish your family the best of luck. I can't even comprehend that kind of loss.
    18. xFr1ct10nx
      Im sorry that ur dad is in the hospital, that disease sounds really bad, sadfaaaaaaaic :(
    19. Something.
      I know words too. Like... potato. It's one of my most bestest words I like. Pancake has recently become a fav too.
    20. Pegasi
      So I'd heard, you were one of those names that I'd always seen always bounced around in the Pub and (up until the other day) the Staff forum. I gathered that real life took its harsh course and drew you away, for which I send my best wishes even if we don't really know each other, you seem like a standup guy. Straight priorities are the way to go in life, but I'm still glad you found some time to drop in and spread a little wisdom around.

      I'd largely missed AZN as a character here too, another one I'd heard about but never seen until his return. I read his forging theory articles and I must say they gave me a new perspective on things, but there were a few points which bugged me. Happily, you took the words largely out of my mouth, thus saving me some time I guess :P, not to mention well put.

      It's really interesting to see some of the old legends coming back to FH, but I must admit it makes me feel even more new here than I did before, hehe.
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  • About

    Apr 3, 1988 (Age: 36)
    Cleveland, TN
    College Student, Husband
    Punny Bunny
    Volleyball, Halo, My Wife


    No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking. ~Voltaire