Knight Of 0rder
Last Activity:
Feb 19, 2016 at 6:03 PM
Jan 2, 2011
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Knight Of 0rder


Senior Member
Knight Of 0rder was last seen:
Feb 19, 2016
    1. anime halo
      anime halo
      Dude! Thanks for the epic signature! Im definatly going to use it!
    2. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      When you see map posts that are not up to standards, report the post and walk away. DO NOT post in the thread.
    3. ty13rm0rr15
      Dude this is amazing! How'd you make it? Thanks!
    4. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Please don't take matters into your own hands. When you see a post that is not up to standards, report it and walk away. Because of an increasing spam problem, we are not going to allow members to make these types of posts.
    5. Eightball
      I don't know if I added you on my new account..If not, I'll do so. Or, you can add me. GT: Im Number Eight.
    6. Eightball
      Yes, but that does that mean you can't pay them a compliment?
    7. Eightball
      I know you're like a TG guy, but don't forget about the positive things about peoples maps, instead of just pointing out the bad.

      Your feedback is good, but give a compliment, too. Just a word of advice <3
    8. Sugar
      I will fix the pics tonight. I was just a little lazy but you have good points and will get on to that now.
    9. The Muppet King
      The Muppet King
      Thanks alot for the review. That missing wall has been fixed, it was set to symmetrical for some reason.
    10. MCGreen24
      Thank you, I like helping out the newer maps get it going. Give a little advise and suggestions.
    11. ShadowSnip3r RC
      ShadowSnip3r RC
      Not a problem, had to speak up. Although I don't agree with it, MickRaider is right on with the rules. Oh how I'd love to tweak them... :) but rules are rules. I just think the community should use common sense and realize that there are younger audiences on Forge Hub. Then again, kids these days are getting worse with profanity.
    12. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      "I believe your excessive amount of language is unneeded and against the forum rules. Please take out the language or else I will have to report you to the moderators. Thanks in advance."

      Actually that only applies to if used towards individuals. We have no rules regarding using curse words. Users can say "****", "****", and any other word they like so long as it's not directed in a hurtful way towards other members.
    13. Javidson Ist
      Javidson Ist
      I have addressed the issues you raised with my map Mendicant and would be pleased if you read my counter argument here
    14. The Muppet King
      The Muppet King
      Here is a preview of Sea-Sick Sword base(not actual name)
    15. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      I've almost finished it. I'm just deciding on the "Best Feedback" award.
    16. Equin0x
      If you want the glitched canvas, Ill just have to send you a game invite. I took it off my FS because it stopped being DL'd.
    17. broccollipie
      Hey, look. A 1v1 map in the TG......
    18. Eightball
    19. AtlasIsShruggin
      The silence is over...

      Illyria Post

      Please comment and download!

    20. GruntHunter
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    Knight Of 0rder
    Basketball, Football, Forging, Gaming


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