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Sep 15, 2010 at 12:04 PM
Mar 30, 2008
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Aug 29, 1993 (Age: 31)
South of Sanity Rep Level: Rap
Work at Sam Ash =D

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Ancient, from South of Sanity Rep Level: Rap

Senior Member
KB was last seen:
Sep 15, 2010
    1. Playerhata27
      Sure sure I'll be on
    2. Playerhata27
      Yep you got it right.Thanks too and can't wait to own some noobs =).
    3. Ty
      Mini's are ****. Subaru WRX is where it's at. lulz
    4. Ty
      yeah that **** is such a joke .... lol
    5. Ty
      that's the thing. I only play videogames when I'm bored or when I want to do something fun and don't go out and do it. But like Saturday I went hiking all day, and I've re-landscaped my front yard thi year and remodeled both bathrooms in my house. I'm a busy man.
    6. Ty
      Well part of the reason I don't want to be here I don't want people to think I have no life. The only reason I even started getting on here in the firs place was because I was so damn bored at work. But apparently I just need to find other ways of wasting time.
    7. Ty
      Are you serious? What a ****ing douche bag .... doesn't really surprise me though. Kid needs to leave his basement and maybe get laid, then he wouldn't be so anal retentive.
    8. Ty
      Part of me wishes I hadn't joined in the first place. Everything was cool, up until about Christmas and then it just kind of went to ****. And hsn't gotten better since. The only reason I hadn't really left already was Shock Theta, but I never even get to hang with him anymore anyway.
    9. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      Eh i got your back... if that means anything... just about to post my second map... hopefully it does well cuz its not that serious of a map.
    10. Ty
      no reynbow was gay ... lol
    11. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      Aight, yeah thanks. You really reached out to me and you're still kinda watching out so thanks. I think I got most this stuff down, but its nice to have someone watching your back so thanks...
    12. Ty
      nah, I'll be what the kiddies refer to as "mature" and just slink silently off into the shadows .... I have no cause for a ruckus.
    13. Ty
      Don't ever giveup your life for such bullshit as this. Instead use it as a creative outlet for possible alternate personalities. Like I'm kind of a nice guy sometimes in real life. But around here I'm a vindictive asshole who only wants to cause trouble, just because it entertains me .... lol. But the uppers ruin it for me, so I don't see the point in remaining.
    14. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      I'll take your word for it. Yeah and thanks for watching out for me you were always cool to me but i think i'll be just fine. thanks though.
    15. Ty
      well you could say that, I guess that's part of it but not quite what I meant. My views are more of the fact that they are hypocritical. They say that all member are equal, but the staff is clearly regarded as "gods among men" then all the stupid status crap that they give to people is retarded. It's more like they all treat this place as some weird club, and if a majority of the uppers don't like you then you're ****ed. Maybe that didn't make sense or maybe I don't know what I'm talking but wtv. It's only the internet and the internet is for porn.
    16. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      Yeah I'll keep that in mind. I do get a lotta posts per day, but my average stays down since i didn't use the forums my whole first few weeks. and also I'm involved in a lot (FH Tester Guild, I'm trying to learn to do sigs and stuff, and other things). I have gotten 3 infractions for spam but 2 have expired and one got reversed.... and the last one was like a week ago. So i post a lot but i make sure each message is like not spam... i'm very specific in reviewing maps and such...
    17. Ty
      I'm not moving on really .... I'm just choosing not to be a part of a site run by little kids who think the internetz make them all powerful superbeings. The elitism around here has gotten ridiculous and I can't put up with it, so I'm just not going to visit FH much at all anymore.

      In all honesty the thing that really ticks me off is the idiots who call me imature for stupid **** on the internet as if it matters. I'm sure I'll get a ton of **** for this too, but oh well.
    18. Ty
      I wouldn't call myself "Cool" I'm just a 21yr old Mediocre gamer that has taken on too large of a plate in life. And honestly I'm thinking I'm gonna have to give up the videogames soon anyways. Things are getting too expensive.
    19. Ty
      Around here that shouldn't be that hard .... lol
    20. Ty
      Don't make it into a pity party that's not what I want, just take it or leave it.
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  • About

    Aug 29, 1993 (Age: 31)
    South of Sanity Rep Level: Rap
    Work at Sam Ash =D
    Kappa Beta
    I'm sexy

    Skateboarding, Wakeboarding, Surfing, Halo



