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Sep 15, 2010 at 12:04 PM
Mar 30, 2008
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Aug 29, 1993 (Age: 31)
South of Sanity Rep Level: Rap
Work at Sam Ash =D

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Ancient, from South of Sanity Rep Level: Rap

Senior Member
KB was last seen:
Sep 15, 2010
    1. Jpec07
      I'll admit that my review was rather incomplete, lacking in it the "constructive" part that criticisms generally try to hold dear to. Still, even though I didn't list specifics, there were things in that review that I mentioned that you could have worked on. For instance, I made the comment that you didn't have a border, so the image looked like it was fading into my background. The obvious way to fix that is to add a border. Additionally, when I said the hue was off, the obvious way to fix that is to adjust the hue on the background until it lines up (alternately, point-sample the red color, create a fill-layer, and set the blend mode to Hue or Color). One of the reasons I'm hesitant to give specific suggestions on how to fix things is that I don't want to stunt your style. If I were to tell you exactly how I would fix the problems I see, your own development as an artist would be affected by that, and the uniqueness of your style would not be allowed to flourish.

      All of that, and I know nothing of Castle Crashers, nor what you were trying to portray in the graphic. No hard feelings. :P
    2. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      True ..
      Up to you .. Post me link when you post it though lol
    3. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      You can't post maps in off topic can you? I say mini game :P
    4. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      hmm im guessing mini game ..
    5. 07WRX
      Basically because being "loyal" is pointless and stupid. And almost everyone in there is too "high and mighty" to even take the time to do a damn thing wit anyone. I had askd to be deomted and banned before and noone would do it. I finally got Nitrous to agree to delete my account so I jumped on it. I really don't care how many people on the site recognize me. This site is bound to die in a year or two anyways.
    6. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Post the map n00b !
    7. 07WRX
      The getting banned thing didn't work, so I just asked Nitrous to delete my account. Now I can simply be a silent noob, and only talk to the people who aren't ridiculously obsessed with status or wtv on this site.
    8. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Did you post the map like you said you would? =]
    9. fluffypancakes
      i must be very what?GOOD? well yeah i know im good with those midget ladies there da best!
    10. 07WRX
      I am now the mighty TY you might remember me ..... maybe you don't
    11. fluffypancakes
      **** yeah dude and they love it!
    12. crazyzebu
    13. crazyzebu
      i only have faith in what exists. i have faith in america and its people. i have faith in humanity. i have faith in my family and friends. i dont care at all for some "all powerful being" that hasnt done squat for us. if he does exist, why should we believe in him? what has he done for us to deserve our praise? did he create teh universe? if he did, good for him! but he doesnt deserve our unwavering loyalty. i believe in the atom and the void, humanity and science. death is the end of the electrical impulse in our brains. there is no heaven, no hell, no purgatory, only life, humanity and what we make it.
    14. Phreakie
      idk if it is going to because i kinda killed my chances of ever being a premium or loyal in FH when i owned Picceta
    15. fluffypancakes
      i rape midgets up the ass....................
    16. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      lol thanks ;) lololol
      He doesnt like me because i had a go at him for posting in loads of old screenshots ..
      They were like 2 weeks old which isnt necro post but its still crap ..
    17. Phreakie
      i posted hysteria :]
    18. Jimbodawg
      id fux her even if she had teh aidz =)
    19. drak
      off what machine, a vibrator, you *****....
    20. drak
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  • About

    Aug 29, 1993 (Age: 31)
    South of Sanity Rep Level: Rap
    Work at Sam Ash =D
    Kappa Beta
    I'm sexy

    Skateboarding, Wakeboarding, Surfing, Halo



