Joe is Outside
Last Activity:
Nov 8, 2009 at 11:01 PM
Apr 27, 2009
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Dec 18, 1991 (Age: 33)
Home Page:
Jacking off

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Joe is Outside

Ancient, from Outside

Senior Member
Joe is Outside was last seen:
Nov 8, 2009
    1. Hari
      nope not yet
    2. Lord Terrax XII
      Lord Terrax XII
      You sir... Have great taste in Avatars and Sigs... Kudos.
    3. Hari
    4. Donii
      if i were you i would stop askin for sigs at diff shops every few days, sig makers dont like them being used for a day or two then theyre just trashed.

      just tryin to helo you out, oh and, your sig at Dirty Antics was cancelled because of you request at mixer gfx
    5. Joe is Outside
      Joe is Outside
      Oh, ok, Thanks.
      But, my map Cr@ckHouse v1.3 will be in B favs.
    6. PandaMan
      i know i've seen a map which is considered "your work" right?

      or at least it will be.

      wut i meant was that some of em were b fav quality
    7. AItius
      Ya, I went to your profile to say the same thing as The Cheat, so this is just to prove that people definitely notice what you're doing.

      And don't ever put "first post". There is nothing special at all about it, and it just pisses people off.
    8. MAP MAKER
      Dude if your gonna get first post you stil have to say something to evealuate the map dont just say ... im not going to play that cuz it looks **** ... if you dont want to play it give them reasons why and improvements possibly - dont keep on doing this im only saying it cuz i used to and i got a infrigment.

      Keep up the good work on first postage tho ... epic

    9. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      It's quite obvious you DID NOT read the rules of our forum, as I have noticed you have made a few spam posts with the last hour.

      Our forum has a strict policy when it comes to providing feedback to people who post their maps here, and saying things like:

      "I don't think its a good idea to do a racetrack on sandtrap... so, 3/10 because of the effort and Maaaaaybe its fun to play but I dont think so. "

      can NOT be considered a justified post. It is considered spam, and thus, it has been reported. The rules are there for a reason, and breaking them is not allowed. Next time, read the rules before you post.

      For you convenience, I have put them in this message.

      Click Here for Rules
    10. M1:K3
      congrats on the Second first post in less then 10 seconds man
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  • About

    Dec 18, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Home Page:
    Jacking off
    Joe is Outside
    My map "Cr@ckHouse v1.3" was in the Bungie Favorites feathured by the group: "Spartan Special Ops" and got over 63,000 downloads. My map "Bridgeo's" is in the matchmaking in the selection "7 On The 7th" and will be in the Bungie Favorites feathured by the group: "Mythic Photographers".

    More infraction points then yall guys...