I know, when you told me I thought someone took mine blurred the name and added their's but they are actually using my sig.
im not sweating it. id love a feature, and i know Blaze is really hoping for one, but if it doesnt happen, its not the end of my world. Just look how long Project S took. what id REALLY like, is for my thread to return to 5 stars, cause i think its worthy of at least that. :( thanks for keeping the hope though. :D
Hey if you care I just got done with a MLG map, all my friends love it...Its a v2 of one of my most famous maps, I know your a big fan of MLG so if you want to you can send me a game invite, or friends request and I'll show it to you... GT - I Evil Bunny I And I'm going to make a post about it in about 1 day...I have to finish taking the pictures and uploading them... :)
That wont work. If I got it today, I could've put my profile on it and taken it to yours. Unless I go home first and then go to yours.