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Dec 18, 2016 at 6:05 AM
Apr 4, 2008
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Ancient, from South Australia

Senior Member
J A Y was last seen:
Dec 18, 2016
    1. xFr1ct10nx
      i know thats why i havent gotten any work done on mine.

      any chance of makin ur profile any brighter? lol, it just like f*ckin woke me half way up.
    2. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Congrats on Transformer Project's feature. Aesthetic maps are really hard to get on the front page.
    3. Pegasi
      Lol dude, congrats. Its been well received as well, you guys deserve it.
    4. Mastar
    5. xFr1ct10nx
      Hey! since youve retired from the search i dont know if you care, but you might wanna check the group encase you want to help a little still.
    6. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      Yeah, we still got a little bit left to do.
    7. Pegasi
      I know what you mean, I've never found it that easy to get proper customs together on a whim to really review a map, its a shame really.

      You're right about the downsides of Lukems' job too, an endless flood of people complaining. But, in that respect, I think I could deal with it. I get in the mood to defend Bungie quite alot from the wave of morons and it'd be nice to get my sentiments out in an official sense.
    8. Pegasi
      As far as dream job goes, epic guitarist all the way. BUT, I just don't wana count on that cause I'm lazy with guitar sometimes. Journalism in general (either net or music related, I could never stand to go into the news media, those guys make me feel sick way too often) seems the way to go. Writing/being opinionated comes naturally to me and its also something I can feasibly do for a living that I'll enjoy and get into. In practical terms, writing for Bungie would be the shiz, I would kill for lukems' job.
    9. Pegasi
      I feel for you man, I got up at 4pm today for exactly the same reason. I really need to fix it before sunday as I have to get up at about 7 in the morning to go back to Uni, not fun if I only get like 3 hours sleep.

      Oh and I think its the net as a whole, or some sites anyway. I tend to browse around until I feel some kind of resolution has been reached, which generally never happens. The general outcome is finding something else I should do which keeps me up even later. Still, I hope to do net journalism for a living so I'd better get used to it eh?
    10. Pegasi
      Lol, me and you are kindred spirits dude, I'm just glad my Lit degree schedule allows me to stay up late pretty much every night, I would pretty much definitely fail if it didn't :P

      I'm back down for a funeral yesterday, which is hardly the best reason, but its nice to be with my family now so I'm feeling OK. Internet dabblings are getting the best of me though, and I really must start work in an hour or two. But hell, FH is way more fun than work eh?
    11. Pegasi
      Gotta start my first Uni coursework but apart from that its going good, back at my real house for a few days, its nice to kick back in my room.

      Your good self?
    12. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      I feel slightly accomplished as I made epic merge on MLG map. Now I'm making ZonKeD finish it because I has done so much merging.

      Ohai Tewshie.
    13. ToochieHxC

      thats my skype, im on too. yeah i babysit like three days a week for 12 hours a day D;
    14. ToochieHxC
      i know right!? so boring. im ok just sitting here babysitting. whatcha up to?
    15. thesilencebroken
      1:02pm here, and i got very very little sleep.

      shitty day so far. ill catch you later.
    16. thesilencebroken
      i cannot J-rod. im about to get off of the cpu.
    17. J A Y
      J A Y
      It was called Falcion, people were calling in falk-cion. I added a H; Falchion, people seem to be pronouncing it properly now. V1.5 is here. Pretty much everything on the map has been fixed and updated. The overall map looks smoother and plays more like MLG.
    18. squidhands
      Sounds good; I'd love to play Inertia again. What map are you updating?
    19. squidhands
      I'm always up for playing any of Baron's maps (Zenith, Reverence), and I've never actually played a game on Triumph. K0N's new map Conflict looks pretty good, but I'm down with whatever.
    20. squidhands
      That would be great; there are quite a lot of those maps that I haven't played. Weekends are best for me, and I think my evenings are your days, correct? I'm in Central Time here in the States.
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