I'm putting our names on it. Should I add out last names? I'm almost 100% sure of the spelling of yours but I've no clue about Stephen's.
Yeah, I didn't get a chance to improve it much >.< You can help with thinking out the layout and all that jazz too. We'll sort it out later.
Ya. And I just burned a new CD for the car I wanted to listen to. GRRR My cousin's from melbourne are here this week and they used my Mum's car to drive to my Grandma's house. So mum is using Andrew's car tomorrow and I'm left with no car. My final lesson is Lesson 5, so if I leave quick, I can catch the bus without everyone, otherwise I have to wait like 40 minutes for the next one.
Ummm.. well alot has happened i guess. I became a mod, destroyed all those who i found to be deserving and then retired because i was sick of all the work. Frag Man is the new Yomtvraps, and Yomtvraps is back. Several promotions/demotions. Offtopic isnt allowed to be total spam anymore, cept in the PPC. Other than that, meaningless crap.
lol, that sucks. Superman ride is ****, me and Tim went on it 3 times. The new Batwing is actually very good. 'Tis like the giant drop and those ones. It's more focused on the going up rather than the falling down. Lethal weapons is also sweet. We went to movie world Monday and Wet 'n' Wild today. Lines were e-****ing-normous. Waited roughly an hour for one slide that was extremely mild. Going to Sea World tomorrow, and probably Dream World later in the week. For the boring nights in between, me and Tim bought some movies and stuff. On Sunday, we stayed up till 4 watching Scrubs. Oh how I've fallen in love with that show.