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Feb 27, 2022 at 7:17 PM
Dec 1, 2007
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No u Aug 21, 2019

Insane54 was last seen:
Feb 27, 2022
    1. Shanon
    2. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      Yo, congrats on getting Requiem on the Comm Chatter at, it deserves it.

      ...and my N QUERYs haven't arrived yet. D:
    3. B3NW
      Later bbs :)
    4. B3NW
      You shouldnt have to make it clear you have downloaded a map, why should pictures be provided unless your providing them for someone to look at and just comment on them, if you reply saying ohh because it gives people an overveiw so they will download it, then that shouldnt be a rule, it should be advice. I did download that map and FFS, ive explained, I no longer care about the infraction, you told me not to give a **** about them. Im not trying to get him infracted for explaining an infraction to me, im trying to get him infracted because he went against a rule. YOU just dont want to infract him because hes a mod and dont hold me on this but a friend also. Sorry but iv'e just got to laugh at that :) So its a claim now and not a question, you seem to have changed your mind.
    5. B3NW
      One that is not the part that I was on about:

      I do like the middle structure but however it maybe not play well

      There is the gramatical error that seems to confuse you and pegasi so much, it should have read, may. That last part means if it is true, then make a v2. Is that so hard to understand? and FFS, Ive already told you i am not bothered about the infraction, what I would like you to do is infract pegasi for harassing me.

      You phrased that last part as if I asked him a question such as "Are you a molester? If you reply ill sue you, and it makes it true!". No I didnt do that at all, I made a statement and told him I didnt want to argue anymore and if he replied I would report him for harassment, he went against my wish and harassed me, so I reported him.
    6. B3NW
      Okay I made a gramatical error by saying maybe instead of may, I did actually download this map, I didnt want to sound negative (as mentioned in my pm's to pegasi seeing as youve read them youd know that) I just noted what someone else had said so it wouldnt sound like I was being negative to him, I said if it is true then I recomend you fix it in a V2. Not "This was bad because I head* so, make a fix in version 2 now* Okay* Thanks* Bye*" Did I?

      Im not even on about that ****ing now, you made it clear that you wont remove my infraction but what I am bothered about is your moderators blatent lack of respect to what I asked him to do.
    7. Devinish
      Thanks dood! I feel like it is my greatest masterpiece, next to Moon Waffle and UNSC Range of course.
    8. B3NW
      No I said that if what the other person in the thread had said was true he should change the middle structure in v2, pegasi misunderstood me, I quoted him correcting whatever he misunderstood, he removed the post, warned me, I said that it was bullshit so he infracts me
    9. B3NW
      In control? You say that as a quote, at no point have I said that or incinuated that, im not playing a victim because a victim is someone who has been on a receiving end of a crime, ive been on the receiving end of shitty modding and an admin backing his shitty modding up even when I have reported a legitimate rule break that moderator did. Have you even warned him to stop talking to me?
    10. B3NW
      Lol your turning this back on me by saying im harassing staff by reporting harassment, its even an option in the report page, it says report stuff such as harassment and advertising. I told him to not reply anymore because I wasnt going to argue anymore, ive given up on getting it reversed, you yourself even told me to not give a **** about infractions, but I did tell him that if he did reply that I would report him for harassment, and he went against my wish so I reported him. He even said he was going to show all the other staff so they could laugh at me, thats bullying and a staff member shouldnt be doing that.
    11. B3NW
      The harrassment report or my reversal appeal?
    12. iRaynne
      Are you ownline?
    13. Shanon
    14. Dewski
      Change that "Insane54" to a "SuperBen1234" and then we're cooking
    15. QKT
      thats pretty nice for an 18yr old
      thats around £9 an hour
      i get £7.50 an hour for working on sundays (1.5 pay)
    16. QKT
      alot? or is the average pay like HUGE compared to us or the prices far less?
    17. QKT
      where do you get your money for all your little gaming accesory thingies?
    18. Urban Myth
      Urban Myth
      Ya thanks man. Oh and I changed up a few things with my map you tested, it makes the left path alot more usefull.
    19. Psycho
      New entry
    20. Roche178
      Yeah, solid advice to live by.
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