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Feb 27, 2022 at 7:17 PM
Dec 1, 2007
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Senior Member

No u Aug 21, 2019

Insane54 was last seen:
Feb 27, 2022
    1. Insane54
      :( I'll delete you and then add you back when you get it back.
    2. Shoruka
      My xbox got the Red Ring of Death... =(

      2 days after starting up again..That's just harsh.. >.>
    3. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Puruku (We played it last night remember?)
    4. Roche178
      They're going to buy your razor and shave and go to work, but they're going to buy it because they know they're animals inside. They don't want smiling clean faces. They want blood swirling down the drain. You're selling a product to men who have no other way of touching that part of themselves. They want suicide and murder and rape.

      I can help.

      Joey Comeau
    5. Roche178
      You want dangerous? Forget about speeding cars. You want Gillette razors against a businessman's throat in an alley. Gillette razors hidden in the mouths of inmates. Hidden under their skin. Scabbed over. Finally dug out with dirty fingers in the dark.

      You want coming of age? That has nothing to do with a clean shave. You want a young boy sneaking into his father's bathroom. Sneaking a razor from the box. Hiding it in the brim of his baseball cap. Riding his bike hard and fast. In the woods with his best friend. A Gillette razor digging into their palms. That one handshake. Blood brothers.

      You want romance? Nobody gives a **** about kisses. You want Gillette razors in bed, cutting while they move against one another. Both of them tearing open, bright and bleeding, eyes wide. Sex.
    6. Roche178
      To: Gillette
      Re: The best a man can get.

      Dear Gillette,

      If I've gotten to the point in my career where the "innovation is one more blade on our razor" Gillette Company is capable of judging me, I'm not worth the money you're going to pay me. So, I haven't included my resume. Only this:

      Do you remember when you were "the best a man can get," Gillette? Before you decided that the best that men could get were faces as soft as baby bottoms? Before you decided that being a man meant being a woman?

      You need to go back to your roots. You need to go back to the straight razor. That was a product.
    7. Insane54
      Infractions give you points for a certain amount of time and an overall amount of infractions. When you have 3 points at a time, your Warned. At 5 and more, your temporarily banned, depending on what you did. These infractions will 'expire' with time and go off your infraction points, but not delete your total count. Your overall point count never goes away. Once you reach 100, you are permabanned. So, basically, try to keep out of trouble.
    8. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      hey man,I got an infraction a long time ago and it is gone now but I seen it,and it said it took away 1 point,what does that mean?
    9. Miraj
      Thank you very much for your time and consideration into helping me.
    10. Insane54
      Yeah that's by one of my friends so I helped out.

      Uh, I'm not really sure who you can go to...I know we had a thread a while ago, but I don't think it's active anymore. I'll check and brb. Edit: Well what do you know, it is. Go here and enjoy. Remember to talk to the guy your thinking about to make sure he's good for you.
    11. Miraj
      Thank you, I understand. Is there by any chance, you can recommend or introduce me to few good map makers that would be glad to help me? Sorry if I am bothering you, but I have taken many screenshots and now I want to try to forge some maps for once, and what is a better way to start than to start with some pro's? I already know everything (Geomerge, Interlock, Advance Floating, Glitches, etc...), but I just need a partner who won't get tired of forging half way through.
    12. Psycho
      Insane, I was watching a video and you're in it! Pause at :24 and you're on the team.


      EDIT: Woops, didn't notice you were acting in it. :)
    13. Insane54
      Hey thanks for the nice message, but unfortunately I have alot of maps in progress at the moment and I'm not sure when I'll be done with those. I'll be happy to check it out whenever you have the map done or if you want me to look at it though, if I have time.
    14. Miraj
      Hello Sir,
      I write you this visitor message asking for some of your time. I know as a current moderator of the world's best gaming forum, you already have many commitments and duties, not to mention your personal life. But, I wanted to ask you a favor to forge a map with me, if you don't mind. If it isn't possible for you to do so, I completely understand. Thank You.

      ~Im SiC NaStY
    15. IcedFrappuccino
      Argue my ban? When was that a factor in the last few messages? The only reason you banned me was to shut me up for a few days... If you somehow developed amnesia over the last ten minutes; the discussion was about your corruption with a few other footnotes. It seems to me like you are grasping at thin air. Like I said in my last message shut up and stop talking to me. Go do your job, which is moderating.
    16. IcedFrappuccino
      Jimbo is starting to seem like a wannabe mod. Why the **** would I talk to him?

      I do tell people that you are corrupt. I would make a website to honor your corruption if I felt like it, but I don't say it like you seem to perceive. "OMG INSANE R CORRUPT LOL...."
    17. IcedFrappuccino
      That second paragraph was just bullshit that you made up on the spot. You removed the quote from my profile because you didn't want people to know your mistake. Plain and simple. Don't deny it.

      I obviously do? ****ing prove it. Rank removed? Nice euphemism, pal. Why don't you just stop talking to me and let us move on from your corruption :D
    18. IcedFrappuccino
      You proved that you are corrupt by the following statement: "I could infract your for nothing, if I really wanted to." Give or take a few words.

      That is an abuse of power and shows a certain level of immaturity. Don't get me wrong, I can act very immature at times, but if I were in your position, I wouldn't threaten to infract someone for nothing. You also decided you were going to edit my profile without consenting me about changing it. I would have, if you would have asked, but you abused your power once again and took things into your own hands. There isn't one thing in the rules where it says I can't have a quote of some sense in any part of my profile.

      I don't go around saying "OMG INSANE R CORRUPT LOL" as you may think I do. I just warn/tell people that you don't have the best qualites that a mod should have. From what a few people have told me, you were demoted. Hmmm, I wonder why.
    19. Insane54
      He got too many infractions. He'll probably be unbanned soon.
    20. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      hey do you have any idea why mlg venom got banned
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