halo kid
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Mar 17, 2013 at 3:06 PM
Jul 29, 2008
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Aug 19, 1996 (Age: 28)
Im......unemployed. Unless you count school.

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halo kid

Ancient, from boondocks

Senior Member
halo kid was last seen:
Mar 17, 2013
    1. Pegasi
      It probably won't be too late, evening here shouldn't be too late over there. But if not then poke me sometime that you're free this week. I am, in principle, looking for a job right now, gotta make the most of this free time when Halo can come first :P.
    2. Pegasi
      Me and Jack want to play tbh, but it's deemed unsociable by the majority. They're heading off, except Jack, in a little while though. I've got to get games in with Shock but I will be on later tonight basically, are you still going to be around?
    3. Pegasi
      Not right now, just hanging with a couple of friends in my room right now. One of them actually really likes Halo as well, pity the others don't :P.
    4. Spaceneil8
      Well, it's my first map. :P
    5. Spaceneil8
      I don't know you but I thought you might be interested.

      I was playing it right now, and I saw you with an infernape avatar so, yeah.
    6. Spaceneil8
      Shoddy Battle - Smogon University

      It's competitive pokemon battling without taking a lot of time to train your pokemon. It's great to see how good your team is without exchanging Friend codes or battling the battle tower.
    7. Spaceneil8
      Are you on shoddy battle?
    8. Pegasi
      My general opinion on stuff like this is: If you think you can do something interesting with it, then do it. It's worth bearing in mind that pre-DLC stuff like this does get fewer downloads, but it's still worth doing for those small number of people who may even download in the first place and really enjoy it.
    9. What's A Scope?
    10. l PATRICK l
      l PATRICK l
      hey heres an idea shut up kid
    11. Shock Theta
    12. Pegasi
      I'd say it's worth looking at the default spawn layout (with special attention paid to which team respawn points and starting points are set to, as well as the location of respawn areas if relevant). Look for what appear to be the main base areas for each team, usually signified by location of starting points and large amounts of respawn points set to the relevant team, attacker or defender etc.

      These are key in defining how your map will play, they define the beginning of games by setting the key start points (distance from power weapons etc is an important consideration, both teams' starting routes must be balanced) and also much of the rest of the game by defining where teams will respawn much of the time. Move these respawn areas and concentrations of respawn points around and you can do a lot with the gameplay, really make it your own.
    13. Pegasi
      Team Slayer maps can have a real team spawn emphasis as well, this is emphasised in MLG. I know your map is casual and pretty different from MLG, but when I looked at your map first off I thought you might be pushing the main opposing areas from Gold and Snipe Tower (as they usually are) in to Blue room and Green, which I thought could actually turn out really interesting.

      But yeah, I really need to look over spawns before I talk properly about this, one I've seen what you've done in terms of spawn mechanic I'll get back with more definitive comments.
    14. Pegasi
      Looks as if it could be interesting, I'll check it out at some point and put my thoughts down in the thread. One thought from the pics alone though: I notice that the initial team spawn themed areas (power weapons, mostly sniper) seem to be centered around Blue room and Green, which I like. But the tele leading between these two areas could be really tricky, it could screw with the team base feeling that both of those areas would need.

      This is all guesswork based on pics, and I can't comment properly till I've played/looked at spawns etc, but it's the biggest thing that struck me when I was looking at the thread.
    15. WhyHelloThere
      nashville is in davidson county and williamson county is just south of that.
    16. SargeantSarcasm
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      found and locked.
    18. Pegasi
      Lol, questions are good! People need to work together on Forging more, editors for other games have great multi-person project atmospheres, I wish that would spread to Forge just a little more, even if only in discussion. But as for the map, the description sounds good, and fits well with the Carbine theme of the map, sounds good so far. I'm off to bed now dude, speak to you soon.
    19. SargeantSarcasm
    20. Pegasi
      Good question, and it depends really what you mean. I personally think map reworks like that can be a great thing, they can bring your own twist to a great map. But it's worth remembering how the community are here at FH in many ways. You're likely to receive many comments calling your map pointless and so on, much as these comments make no sense, they will happen.

      So I'd say that, if you think it's a decent rework of Guardian, and brings its own twist to the regular gameplay, then go ahead and post. As long as you're ok with the fact that many people will just dismiss at as pointless (and their opinion isn't worth much), and can enjoy the faith that some people will actually download it and try it with fair judgement, then it's worth posting.
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  • About

    Aug 19, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Im......unemployed. Unless you count school.
    halo kid 024
    I am one of the old geezers of forgehub. to an extent...

