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Jul 28, 2013 at 5:02 AM
Feb 4, 2009
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Ancient, from Snowflake, AZ

Senior Member
Gunnergrunt was last seen:
Jul 28, 2013
    1. jakob hunter
      jakob hunter
      Hey thanks for helping me with my map it is turning out great i ran out of weapon holders so i'm going to hang the spikers from the little wooden loft under the arches and the brute shot is just going to be balanced on its point by the corner but the br's look great as goes the pr's and smg's thanks alot.
    2. jakob hunter
      jakob hunter
      yourwelcome it is an amazing map
    3. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      no problem, it's an amazing map and deserves a feature for sure :)
    4. Agamer
      I'm thinking about making a version two of my Conquest map, if you wouldn't mind, and had some time, do you think you can help me out tweaking it the right extent to have the best gameplay?
    5. Dead in ten
      Dead in ten
    6. halo kid
      halo kid
      is your friends list full on xbox live?
    7. SVV33T SAUC3
      SVV33T SAUC3
      I signed uup for the group. Now we need to get more people to join. I hardly ever have time to type something up on the forums and I'm sure it would get more noticed if you typed it up. Can you do it on FH?
    8. SVV33T SAUC3
      SVV33T SAUC3
      Hey, nevermind. I won't have enough time to post the thing on FH right now. I'll do it later or you can do it. Keep me updated.
    9. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Hey man, haven't seen you online much. I'm usually on from 5pm to 12-2am MST. Hit me up so we can talk about v2
    10. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      I'm not sure what the issue is with the original pieces but they behave *mostly* like normal pieces. I can help you with them if you want. Also I tried not to add anything before I gave it to you, you're free and welcome to add any jumps you want. we just need to decide what approach we're going to take regarding barrel jump protection because I doubt we'll have the pieces to add all the spires like last time.
    11. SVV33T SAUC3
      SVV33T SAUC3
      This is for my Space Conquest map. Remember?
      No, I didn't really work with Bartoge. Well I don't know. He came into a game of forge to tell me what to touch up on, but some of that stuff made it worse like bruteshot and carbine switch so I put it back. Some stuff like pointing the spawns to an angle and mounting the plasma rifles to the wall was what he told me to and I happily did. The only reason his name was in the tags was because he was the biggest help out of everybody else.
    12. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Well we'll see I guess. We don't want my map stealing the thunder from the Forgotten Treasures contest...

      Plus I've found a couple flaws that need to be fixed in V2.
    13. Silva Sniper
      Silva Sniper
      Congrats grunt.I always knew you were the best conquistador.
    14. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre : Halo 3 Community Files :D

      Had fun playing conquest, hope your video is comin along well.
    15. Arbacca
      Hate rap? You'll love this!
      Youtube - On a Boat
    16. Silva Sniper
      Silva Sniper
      I voted for your map ovar at xforgery.
    17. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Thanks for the heads up man :) 4800 downloads and counting, watch out locked out :D
    18. squidhands
      Thank you, sir. I greatly appreciate it. I'm actually a pretty terrible Halo player, lol, but I'd be happy to run some games with you sometime.
    19. Agamer
      I just thought I would inform you that Forgehub particularly doesn't like an external link to another website. Just thought you ought to know. Otherwise, I'm sure that member appreciates your help.
    20. HunTedMeat
      I would, but I'm not a member of However, I did see the poll results and it seems that you're going to win! Congrats.
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    Snowflake, AZ

