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Nov 17, 1989 (Age: 34)

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Senior Member
G043R was last seen:
Feb 8, 2020
    1. What's A Scope?
    2. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Gopher this is who you were acting like while tyring to be this guy when you should have done it like him.

      Hope this helps.
    3. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      I wasn't "sold" on GG? Wtf are you talking about?
    4. G043R
      i know... i did this before it was deleted... just note i only quoted what you already publicly stated...hope you aren't upset with me.

      Forge Hub - Conversation Between Gunnergrunt and G043R
    5. Gunnergrunt
      Eh I don't undertand, but oh well. It's deleted now...
    6. Gunnergrunt
      It was kind of a jumbled mess, but I'm guessing you quoted the thanks I gave you for that thread? If so, I do not appreciate that...
    7. Gunnergrunt
      The link says "invalid thread." what did you quote me on?
    8. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Wait until the next Site Update, you'll see what we have planned.
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      I paid the troll toll, now be gone you poor soul.
    10. G043R
      What counts as "flaming"?
      The act of "flaming" is the act of attacking or insulting a person who posts, rather than the ideas expressed within the post itself. Your post should remain on-topic and focused on the subject matter of the thread rather than any individual user

      Sorry you couldn't make a point

      What is "trolling"?
      Trolling is any post designed to evoke an emotional or flaming response instead of an informed, well-reasoned reply. These posts are characterized by broad generalizations and personal accusations about specific people or groups of people rather than a well-reasoned assertion backed up with support. Just a few examples of trolling include:

      - "All level 50s suck"
      - "Kids under 13 have squeaky voices and are all annoying"
      - "MLG players are arrogant"
      - "Halo 3 is the worst game ever created"

      Parody or satire threads are a form of trolling.

      Where does lengthened post of neutral thoughts then opinions make it into trolling?
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      This is why I'm a moderator and you're not.

      see, us people who know what we're talking about, we know how to apply the rules as opposed to blindly using them.

      be gone troll. converse no more.
    12. G043R
      Lastly I actually play halo as well comment in the map section if I was a troll I would be looking for a fight every night... no what I am looking for is forge discussion with is at least under the current point of view buried under crappy thread of Girls with GOgos and spam 1000 post threads.

      I feel you are in fact blind because you fail to agree with the simplest points I come to the table about. Much of my first post in that thread dealt with being Neutral on every ones comment. I brought in many points of view as well bungie's and other forgers that commented in the thread. At least in your post is both guided towards me directly as well showing this was a direct attack towards me /my ideas.
    13. G043R
      Just a man pointing out a few eye catching detail. I commented on many of the OP, secondary posts as well added a depth point of the view of the issue.

      I didn't kill it mainly responded to What a scope and other if I actually killed it the conversation would have ended with my post. Both you as well What a Scope felt the need to reply, you done a find job in proving I didn't kill it..

      Additionally I didn't comment to GG post so it is not at all correct to say his thoughts are mine mainly that they are similar.
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      Actually, you killed the conversation with your post, nearly everything after that was just arguing having nothing to do with the article. Hope you're happy. Douche.

      You are not allowed to flame is what you're not allowed to do. Site policy = rules + moderator traditions (i.e. saying the word "gay" in a playful way is infractable but not a rule). There you go.

      Your comments were spam because they took the conversation in a direction they shouldn't be taken, as in site dissension. GunnerGrunt did it the correct way. He voiced his opinion, but he didn't flame, and left it at that instead of continuing to argue. You simply flamed. You are a troll G043R, not a revolutionary, not a visionary, just a troll.
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      Rofl...how blind and assumptive you are.

      I agreed with your opinion and in fact tried to avert posting those pictures in my own roundabout way. However, they were posted and I uphold site policy as a moderator, you contradicted site policy with your idiocy and I needed to stop the flaming.
    16. G043R
      ... people take the idea of suggestions as demanding improvement, you both shown that cussing is above using words to convey an point and that your will be done. I think the reason why my posts are deleted is because you disagree with my point of view and clearly can't stand me having mine so you deleted dot out or line out my posts. I clearly made my point I would love you to come out and make yours. I was not attacking any one I feel your mistaken in reading some one as quoted as attacking them, I'm guiding the conversation towards what it is always been about... the OP. Thou in this OP is a lengthened document entailing a group of conversation as well images. I feel we were talking about those imagine/ the regulations of this site. No where was a objective in demanding that this should be taken down but gave a in-depth Neutral view of the subject and then made small points of my own.
    17. G043R
      I see well you both have not resolved the issue both infraction me and I clearly dispelled the discussion from going further. All you have done is in both showing that the post will remain the spot like continue and my opinion is my opinion. It isn't slanted towards any direction but the way I commented. This isn't a debate but people can have conversations about the posted content that is both the purpose of a forum as well promote better content to talk about in the future. I do not flame I mealy present
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      It's not your opinions that are the problem it's your chosen way of expressing them. You FLAME. Your words are the same as my cussing, which is the point I was getting at.

      Furthermore, your posts are more "concerns" (and I use that loosely) than "ideas for improvement" which is why I said to PM staffers to air said opinion. They're so slanted in one direction they only cause arguments or support site dissension, which is absolutely counterproductive.

      There is a reason your posts get deleted and those in customer service remain. Those posts are straightforward and neutral, not hotheaded and aggressive. I'm fine with this being in VMs by the way.
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      Considering you got the message as I posted the edit, you aren't getting infracted.

      However, as implied in that last sentence, yes I'm serious. It's an article, not a debate, we don't need your moral qualms and hangups out in the open everytime you have them. It's one thing to PM staff and discuss what you think needs improvement, it's quite another to try and spread puritanical beliefs in a thread that bares no relation except for what incited it.
    20. G043R
      lol.. it is both true your trying to fight, I have my opinion and it is based right around when the post was made as well when the conversation was about GG post. At least you now have the option to add a return point to your post.
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    Nov 17, 1989 (Age: 34)
