Frag Man
Last Activity:
Sep 28, 2011 at 1:59 AM
Sep 1, 2008
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Frag Man


Senior Member
Frag Man was last seen:
Sep 28, 2011
    1. RightSideTheory
      Your gamertag is Roni66701, and the last game you played was Slayer on the Pit.

      And what do you mean about the pictures?
    2. RightSideTheory
      1st. If you're the guy in my friends list I'm pretty sure I would know....

      2nd. I don't suck at halo, why the hell is this important anyway?

      3rd. Dump me in a tank with the shark and I'll ****ing kill you if I live through it. Oh and yes, I did see the pictures.
    3. RightSideTheory
      1st off, stop stalking me. (lol)

      2nd, most of those games were spent in the first month or two I got the game. And I never, never go into a game with a team of anyone I know. So I never have anykind of team strategy. I really am not trying to brag, but I'm always the top score on my team. Either that or I'm not really playing, maybe I'm texting my girlfriend, or talking to friends.

      Onto this news story that has somehow become an argument:
      He was thinking "kill shark, kill shark" because obviously that would be the predominate thought when something is trying to kill you. Now, if you tried to kill the shark by throwing yourself at it over and over again trying to do as much damage as possible (as you would do if you weren't calm and collected) you wouldn't last anywhere close to two hours. I doubt you would last five minutes.

      No. He went about it calmly and methodically. He was in control of himself the entire time, and obviously went about it very defensively.
    4. RightSideTheory
      Then what is the point?
    5. RightSideTheory
      Out of my whole post you picked up on the fact that I would have charged my shields...?

      And I don't play matchmaking often, though I do love slayer and such gametypes in custom games.
    6. RightSideTheory
      CnC on the new sig...

      No I didn't make it....
    7. RightSideTheory
      Yeah... Have fun with that lol.
    8. RightSideTheory
      I know, I know I was just distracting you while it uploaded.

      Here. Its not cropped like the other one. And its clean, so no wing.

      Happy now?
    9. RightSideTheory
      Wow, calm down lol.

      Alright let me upload it to photobucket. Here's the full winged image btw
    10. RightSideTheory
      Yeah I used that.
      I just picked the first one I came to that remotely worked. Find a better wing then.
    11. RightSideTheory
      Oh and just for teh lulz

    12. RightSideTheory
      I did it in five minutes, I knew that.

      Constructive Frag, constructive.
    13. RightSideTheory
      You're a very negative person. Unless you're going to insult me personally, go for it lol.
    14. RightSideTheory
      Would I really ask if I didn't? I can take the criticism Fraggy.

      I also thought about adding in a feather like C4D, but it seemed like a bit much to do to an avatar. Also, I don't like how obvious and bold it looks.
    15. RightSideTheory
      True. But you didn't say what you thought of it, you just related it to sephiroth.

      Oh, and I like Genesis better.
    16. RightSideTheory
      Haha, Sephiroth has one wing doesn't he? Still, I didn't take it from him.
    17. RightSideTheory
      CnC on the new avi? You can't really see it in the small version.... The wing just looks like one solid color.
    18. RightSideTheory
      Well fine then. I still don't see why not.
    19. RightSideTheory
      So, you're not signing up?
    20. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      It doesn't matter because everyone who took offense to it can talk with me about it through private chat.

      Like most have.

      I even sent you a PM to start, come now.
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