Frag Man
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Sep 28, 2011 at 1:59 AM
Sep 1, 2008
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Frag Man


Senior Member
Frag Man was last seen:
Sep 28, 2011
    1. iZumi
      and what in the **** is Baka supposed to mean?
    2. iZumi
      good lord, just listen to me. i guess i apparently didn't understand those were sarcasm. it's kinds hard to tell when you're reading something some guy you've never met typed. i'm not trying to act sweet and innocent, i trying to point out something i personally found annoying. if i was doing something you thought was annoying, just tell me and i'd do something about what i was doing, i wouldn't automatically argue with you about how i'm right and you need shut up. i was stating my opinion.
    3. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      I don't feel any emotion of what I did just thought you might.
    4. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      Yeah, I just reread my post and I was kind of being a ****. Whatever.
    5. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      Sorry for being rude on your thread. You may not like me now but I hope we can end this argument.
    6. iZumi
      it wasn't really about an opinion, it was about the fact that you were complaining about not having photoshop, and it was getting to annoy me, especially after you told Hari he would suck without photoshop, which kind of was a ridiculous comment. i asked you just to stop, it's not like i was trying to be rude, damn. the only reason this argument started
      is because you decided to jump down my throat about that.

      and the reason i won't shut up about this is i can't let something go such as a fight or argument where both of us walk off pissed off and hating eachother. i simply want to make the point i wasn't accusing you of your opinions and that no hard feelings were intended. now you have other people jumping down my throwt with a false story.
    7. iZumi
      lost what
    8. RightSideTheory

      How do I use them?
    9. Icecikle
    10. Icecikle
      I posted it on his page too, I'm not impartial. Now Please?
    11. RadiantRain
      Yea, I made a mistake that you are exploiting.

      That is step one to world domination!
    12. RadiantRain
      Fragman, you will destroy the world! Because your that awesome!
    13. Icecikle
    14. Icecikle
      wow, I was just going to say that maybe just drop it? guys it doesn't matter cause its a gfx program and your arguing over the internet with a person you've never met. So please just drop it....
    15. iZumi
      ****, your impossible. if you weren't annoying you would just shut up and stop posting these 3 paragraph life stories on my profile. and i've already had a guy tel me he thinks you're retarded.
    16. iZumi
      interesting. i call you annoying and it's acting like my mother just died. and you show your defensiveness and lack of maturity in a motor places. i recall very recently Hotpokkaminny saying none of us had any other talent at art besides photoshopping, and do you remember who was the first to counter that?
    17. iZumi
      you're really fun to talk to. how all you can do is get really defensive everytime someone tells you to stop doing something has to amuse me the most, followed by your lack of ability to understand, much less except anybody's point.
    18. iZumi
      uh, that's what i said. my point was simply that everyone is getting sick of your endless bitching about not having photoshop. i also find it funny how your always first to defend yourself.
    19. iZumi
      um, yeah. because you know, every photoshop user uses 100s of effects in all their tags, right? you're definitely either bipolar or just immature.
      I'll be sure to watch that sometime too.
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