Frag Man
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Sep 28, 2011 at 1:59 AM
Sep 1, 2008
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Frag Man


Senior Member
Frag Man was last seen:
Sep 28, 2011
    1. BASED GOD
    2. Something.
    3. Something.
      Frag man, mah boi! How you be doing?
    4. bigbucketsbilbo
      yoyoyo spamspamspam im making a new map....wanna beta test wen im done????????
    5. TDH
      Ok well, sorry for being an ass 'n all
    6. TDH
      Sorry but thats just how you come across to me in your posts. Even though when your in the shoutbox you seem pretty cool.
    7. Pigglez
      **** that go eat a moldy bagel!
    8. Nemihara
      Actually, it's 9:30 here. Hawaii is 12 hours behind the GMT.
    9. Nemihara
      I know a few of homeschooled kids that switched to my school. They were just tutored online, though, not like their parents actually taught them.

      I guess I made it sound depressing, but I just think I'm not really into having a single static relationship with one person. I'd rather not be confined to one person; I like to talk to different people each day, and that bugged a lot of my old girlfriends. You know, they always think you're cheating on them and crap.

      My 'friend', as I'll refer to him as, tends to lie and cheat at a lot of stuff. However, he's pretty much the only person who thinks on my level, so I put up with him. I mean, not like we're smart or anything, we just think similarly. Like, "Hey, check this out, there's a hole in the firewall of our school for FTP." He'd say. So I'd say, "M'kay, I'll tunnel through that port with SSH into my home computer so we can get past the censorship." Or stuff like that.

      Being at a school where nearly a third of the students are exchange students is really, really fun. I once knew this guy from Israel that loved music and guitar and stuff. We shared the same Speech and Debate class, so I knew him pretty well. He died in an accident last Christmas only a semester after I got to know him, but when I heard the news, I felt like I had lost a brother or something. You know what I mean. Being friends with exchange students is a very, very interesting experience. Generally, they tend to be smarter/more athletic/more popular than me, but they're easy to talk to, surprisingly.

      As for private schooling, it's pretty much like a public school, except a little nicer, and you pay more for it. My tuition is like $16,000 a year, x_X, but it's worth it. It has a great tech program and a great arts program. I'm more in it for the tech part, though. The tech center itself is a new, two story building, filled with computers. At a guess, I'd say around 40 of them. They're about half Macs, half Windows, but it's full of neat stuff that we otherwise wouldn't experience. For an example, there's a mini wind tunnel for aerodynamics testing, a green room where we do video editing, an entire sound booth that's lined with sound-proofing material. We recently set up a PS3 so we could (ostensibly) use Folding At Home on it, but in reality we just play on it when it gets boring.
    10. Nemihara
      Desperate? I guess at the time, so was I. I was 13, and I thought, maybe if I have a girlfriend, things would be more fun and stuff. But in all honesty, she's pretty whiny and talks a lot. I mean, she's a good friend to have, but not really your ideal soul mate. I'm not the type of person who enjoys being talked to 24/7, and it didn't complement my personality very well.
      I still respect her as a person. I just think I needed to point out her flaws in order to shed light upon the situation at the time.

      It's a pet peeve shared by me as well. I know this one guy in my English class who is possibly the worst liar in my school. He's always trying to tell me about how this girl he used to go out with gave him a BJ or something like that. I mean, he's so full of ****, it's a wonder why I even talk to him. But as I'm in a small school, I never really have to worry about people calling me names behind my back.

      Well, I mean, having a girlfriend isn't worth the effort to me. I'd rather be friends with a girl than be a significant other. Being friends means there are less ties to one specific person. If I want to go do something with one particular group of friends, I don't have to worry too much that my girlfriend is going to be mad at me for being with another girl or whatever crap.

      For sports, I do like to do things like tennis, basketball, volleyball, whatever. If it's fun, I'll do it, even if I don't know how. I'm not really all that good, because a lot of the times I lose. But just by playing, that's what I like about it.
      As far as intelligence goes, I'm supposed to be one of those smart people that don't apply themselves, or something like that. I get pretty crappy grades. A few A's here and there for History and English, but for anything that requires more work, I pretty much immediately drop to a D as the quarter starts. I mean, I know the stuff and how to do it, but why should I have to? My Spanish teacher is a ***** who doesn't understand her students, my chemistry teacher is as boring as hell and the lab work is crazy stupid, my math is easy but I just don't like doing the homework for it, etc.
      And as far as popular goes, people know who I am, and they either talk to me or avoid me. I like just talking to new random people, but the people who really irritate me I never talk to unless I have a good reason. My school is full of ESL's; exchange students from other countries, like Japan, China, and Korea, although we've gotten some people from the Middle-East, South America, the United States, and Europe. These people, to me, are the easiest to get to know. I mean, a lot of them understand English and all, but they need help with some of their homeworks because they don't understand them.

      So athletic, smart, and unpopular? I guess it depends on how you know me.

      Edit: Woah, didn't mean to drop a bomb on you there, lol
    11. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Jerk. You're getting in the way of me stalking him.

      Oh well, you continue your serious conversation here if you like, I'll just go back to doodling. Good day.
    12. Nemihara
      When I was with my first girlfriend, I found that a lot of the times that she wanted me to go further than I wanted to in our relationship. I just liked doing stuff with her; she just wanted to do...well, you get the idea. Point is, I wouldn't say that I'm necessarily against sex, but I don't really want a sexual relationship, unless I know it's someone I'm going to be with for the rest of my life. I know my girlfriend isn't. I know my next bunch of girlfriends aren't. Casual sex, in my opinion, is like when a bunch of kids find a swear word and say it constantly, but don't know what it means.
    13. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      I have a twin sister with a couple hot friends.

      Trust me on this one: It's not as fantastically awesome as you're picturing it to be. You are not missing out.

      *Quietly leaves*

      *Takes Arahi with him*
    14. Nemihara
      Oh, I didn't mean to come off as condescending. Sorry.

      But really, I wouldn't say that I would ever consider having another girlfriend again. It's just a little stupid, in my opinion. I mean, a lot of the time, we would just do whatever any group of good friends would do. I never really got why I should commit solely to one friend, if we're only going to do the things we'd normally do as friends.
      As far as sex goes, I'm not really all that interested in it. I can see how it's the manifestation of an intimate relationship, but I'm truly not for it.
    15. Nemihara
      Who said anything about relationships? Friends are fun!

      Wait, you wanted to have sex with an anime charact-

    16. Nemihara
      Whoever she is, she's probably nowhere as near as cool as Haruhi.
    17. Nemihara
      You're just jealous because Haruhi is more awesome than Miu.
    18. Nemihara
    19. dontknowme42
      hey im not element on GMJ but if your talking about the sig i made that for HIM :P

      heres the link to the page i posted it on :P
      .:ElemenT:. NEW SIG - Gaming Forums
    20. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Changed my Bio. Feel free to check it.
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