FM and the BB
Last Activity:
Nov 20, 2012 at 11:25 PM
Jun 30, 2012
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Dallas TX.
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FM and the BB

Promethean, from Dallas TX.

FM and the BB was last seen:
Nov 20, 2012
    1. Pegasi
      Mwahahahah, Pocoyo is my minion of minor destr[u/a]ction.
    2. Pegasi
      Too right :).
    3. Pegasi
      Ha, so you did. I clicked on Eightballs profile and saw that the first message wasn't yours, why it didn't occur to me to scroll down even to the second one and check if you'd replied is beyond me. Fair play dude :P.
    4. Pegasi
      Heya, just a heads up about replying to messages on your wall (here). If someone posts a message here, and then you reply to it here, they won't get any kind of notification that you've replied and you'll have to rely on them specifically coming back to check for messages (which most people don't do because they expect you to reply on their wall).

      Instead, most people navigate to the profile of the person who left a message, and reply on their wall so that they get a notification about it, and can then respond in turn much more easily. There's a handy trick to avoid having to navigate back and forth as much too: below each post by another person on your wall, there's a "view conversation" link, which compiles all messages between you and the member in question in to a single thread so it's easier to keep track of the back and forth. When you reply in the message box provided in this thread, it'll post on their wall.

      Sorry for the rant, just thought this might be helpful.
    5. FM and the BB
      FM and the BB
      Nothing at all, how do you like the signature I did?
    6. Eightball
      Waddup, man?
    7. FM and the BB
      FM and the BB
      Look around Leave a message, I'll get back to you in a jiffy.
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  • About

    Dallas TX.
    Not much quite yet.
    iM TiP Z
    FM and the BB is the name, Halo is the game.

    I'm new to the community, but I can "Forge" like Master chief can destroy a covenant armada single handed.

    I enjoy long walks along the beaches of Forge World, while kicking some ass in matchmaking. You can either find me on halo, or kicking it with some friends. The main fact is you'll love me or you'll want to cut my throat. (No offense if you do!) All I can say is, "You got nothing on me!"

    Giving light shows, friends, Xbox, and of-course Forging.
